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When The Chips Are Down

Posted on Sat Nov 19th, 2011 @ 10:02am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Speaker's Quarters (sort of)


And it was at that moment that Oralia arrived - dashing into the room in a flash of pink and grey cotton and olive skin. Like Kh'ali, she'd bullied her way past the guards outside and had come on the double thanks to Kh'ali's message, which had caught her before she'd even had time to respond to the emergency in Hangar 51, or change into a uniform even. She came in, shouting, "I'll get him!"

Oz's arrival was timed beautifully, though unintentionally: Kh'ali swung and connected with Thumb's nose and, a second later, as Thumb thumbed the control to phase himself away from Kh'ali's reach, Oralia tackled him, causing them both to be phased out of reach.

The momentary shift in phase had Oralia pausing to adjust as the strange sensation passed through her. "Ugh...," she grunted, a normal response as the two bodies collided with each other and then with the floor. "You," Oz reared back to deliver a punch and punctuated her words with hits to Thumb's torso, "Are. Under. Arrest!"

Muscles contracted to take each punch, Thumb managed to get hold of her wrist ending the flurry of blows: "Arrest me?" he spat his voice coarse from rage "With which army backing you up?"

"Mine!" Oralia growled back, struggling to free her wrist from his grip.

The blood, profusely spilled by his broken nose, covered his face and coupled with those maddened eyes gave him a dreadful look. Quick as a snake with his other hand he reached for her throat and started to choke her. "I think I have some other matters to attend now," he whispered threateningly. Taking advantage of his larger body mass he flung her away and regained his feet.

For three reasons, she winced as she rolled to a crouch: one, he'd hurt her wrist more than she'd admit; two, his blood had slicked her hands and soaked into her dress; three, she heard Kh'ali's shout, which made her realize what the strange sensation had been: he'd phased them. Shaking her injured hand and wrist, she paused a moment then took advantage of her smaller size to dash into his personal space and deliver a hard blow with her knee to where most humanoid males carry their most sensitive body parts. "I'm not that easy to get rid of, jackass," she hissed, her throat showing red where his hand had been.

"We'll see." He grinned, then lunged forward. Despite his mass he proved exceedingly quick, connecting with Oralia as she tried to dodge his charge. The blow knocked the wind out of her and both rolled straight through the wall into the adjacent room.

There, a furious exchange of blows ensued where the martial skills of both opponents was put to the test; killing spree on one side, cold determination to survive on the other. The action nearly ended when Oralia's knee connected with the assassin's ribs once, twice. Something cracked in his chest and the big bull was forced backward spitting some more blood.

It was a ruse: as Oralia closed to finish the job, Thumb's roundhouse punch got her on the left side of the head. For an instant the room vanished and the entire Jathlin Arm appeared before her eyes with all its glittering stars....

With the other hand Thumb got hold of her hair and yanked her closer. "Girls who like to fight shouldn't keep long hair." He blurted out through broken lips.

For Oz, the stars vanished, just in time. Fighting back the natural urge to resist being pulled in, Oralia followed her training instead, and made Thumb's action easier. Indeed, she made it much easier: shoving forward with her legs, she lunged at him; the resulting headbutt was worthy of the worst downtown thug.

Thumb growled bringing his hands to his face as he reeled backwards. His momentary retreat gave Oralia a moment in which to breathe. She knew both of them were injured; her wrist aced in such a way that she knew she'd broken something in it. Ignoring the pain radiating from more than one body part, she met his renewed attack with a quick kick to his chest. That kick propelled him backward, into the wall behind him. Just then, Oz felt a wave of pass through her - the anyon beam! It hit Thumb at the same time, trapping him half-in, half-out of the wall, killing him instantly.

The sight of Thumb trapped like a fly in tree resin made Oz grimace - she was glad she'd been standing apart from any furniture or walls. "Kh'ali!" She shouted and turned to figure out how to return to the Klingon and the Divitian.


LC Oralia Zeferino


Gruesome Wall Ornament
(NPC'd by Leroy)


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