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Arrival At A Most Interesting Time

Posted on Sat Nov 19th, 2011 @ 4:27pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Major General John Thompson

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: RADM Hawke's Office

* * * RADM Hawke's Office * * *

"I promise you sir, she's fine. The moment things settled down, I got in touch with her as I knew you would be worried." Ensign Kai Sarkozi turned away from the replicator in his office, two mugs in her hands. She set one down before Lucius, then sipped her own. "She also said not to worry, though she knew you would anyway. And that, sir, is a direct quote."

Lucius had to laugh at the message. Lifting his own mug he took a drink. "Thanks. This is very good by the way."

"My own brew sir. Espresso, chocolate, cinnamon, and caramel."

"Delicious. So, now that we are sure the station isn't flying wildly out of orbit, what's next on our list? Ricky was headed to OPs last I heard, and I've already received the casualty reports." He lowered his mug, looking at his aide expectantly.

What's next chimed for entry before Ensign Sarkozi could answer. John Thompson had transferred in to move into the TFXO slot, something which was unexpected for him but as a Captain of 44 who still looked like one of the newbies he had been about a bit. He was looking forward to the new position and from what John had heard his new boss seemed to be a likable guy. That being said one of the 4th Fleet senior staff also resides on the base so no doubt Thompson would annoy him at some point.

Lucius tilted his head to Kai, who set her mug down and turned towards the door. "Captain John Thompson, sir. The new TFXO. He just arrived last night but with all the craziness, I delayed him to today."

"Then let the man in." He motioned to the door and Kai hurried over, pressing the panel to reveal the officer in question.

As the door slide open John quickly looked down to make sure his uniform was in shape and pleased to find it so walked in through the door and thanking the Ensign before heading over to Lucius's desk. "Rear Admiral, a pleasure to meet you. I have heard good things about you."

"Captain Thompson." Lucius offered his hand. "A pleasure to meet you and welcome to SB900. This is Ensign Sarkozi, my aide."

"Welcome, Captain. May I get you something?" She gave John a nervous smile.

John took the Admirals hand in a firm handshake, "Thank you both. A coffee would go well. Travelling from base to base tires me out for some strange reason." He sat down in the seat opposite the Admirals desk. "I heard there's been some commotion in hangar 51. Any idea what happened yet?"
"Subspace lag." Lucius laughed briefly, then sobered. "There was a collision outside that hangar. I am unsure of the cause just yet, they are still sorting things out. There were several casualties, however. The station was briefly affected but no lasting damage and as you can see, we are still in position."

Kai returned with John's coffee, placing it on the desk before him. Lucius thanked her and she slipped quietly from the room.

John seeing her slipping out added in a note of thanks as well before returning to the matters at hand. "Not a good situation then. Someone will get a slap around the back of the head and then some for that one. No doubt that Ricky isn't amused by it." He reached for the coffee and took a drink from it. "I heard a few stories about the Delta fleet before I got here. Seems like this is where it's all happening these days."

"Welcome to the frontier, John. And I can assure you that such events are not the norm. There's been some interesting developments here of late." He produced a padd from his desk and slid it across to John. "Our chief diplomat vanished and was apparently phased to a somewhat different timeline by a group that, according to my daughter, is intent on assassinating the Divitian speaker."

"That's something that cannot happen of course. The last thing we need is a race that can match our ships coming after us because one of their most important people got assassinated on our turf. I take it security is on top of things?" It was stupid question to ask but on some bases the security got lax on the reasoning that the place was simply 'too large'.

"More than. It is thanks to their cooperation with science that the CDO was recovered. You are among some of the best, John. On the Divitian front, we have received word also that the team on Divitia Prime has achieved a workable solution and will be returning soon." Lucius joined his hands together on his desk. "Kai has seen to having your office set up, and I've asked her to find you an assistant as well."

"That is good to hear that things have progressed well on that front. And pass on my thanks to Kai for that. It is much appreciated," he said as he drunk yet more of his coffee which thankfully was pretty good for once. "Do we have anything from intel on threats to the area at the moment?"

"I've had Li forward on all the active threats and anything else notable you need to know. I suspect that won't include anything undercover she has in the works. And believe me, when that lady hides things, they might as well not exist."

"Ah that's good. And it sounds like Li knows how to run things well down there. Is there anything else you need to talk over before I go and check this office out and dive into these reports?" John asked finishing the coffee.

"Not at this point, though we'll keep you informed of developments here." Lucius offered his hand once again. "It's good to have you here John, I"m looking forward to working with you."

John stood and took Lucius hand. "Likewise Lucius. Just give me a call if you need anything."

"I will. And as soon as things settle down, I'll introduce you to Admiral Wegener." The door slid open to reveal Kai waiting.

"I'll show you to your office, sir." She smiled shyly.

"I'll look forward to that one with baited breath I think," he joked as he moved to the door. "Thank you Kai. Lead the way."


RADM Lucius Hawke

Captain John Thompson


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