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Finally At Ease

Posted on Mon Nov 28th, 2011 @ 3:57am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Kh'ali's Quarters

Kh'ali left Sickbay just behind the Speaker and his guard. He'd been checked over and was declared in good shape, as was Kh'ali. IN light of the circumstances, they had forgiven her leaving without being properly discharged. Now, she wanted a shower and to actually put on clothes before she went to visit Quentin. She'd had enough running about the station in a bathrobe to last her for a long time.

Entering her quarters, she ditched the robe to be recycled in the replicator, given it was smeared with some of the Speaker's blood and jumped into the shower. For once, she took her time and so it was that some time later she was finally dressed, wearing a light blouse and skirt, and brushing her hair when the chime at her door rang.

***** Half An Hour Earlier *****

"...And so, Mr. Veiron, for what I see from the recorded logs, experimentation has been conducted on the crystal... Without my consent I would say." Leroy's tone was quiet as he kept looking to the monitor where the Science department activities scrolled slowly under his eyes.

The Bolian's uneasiness could have been cut with a knife. His eyes looked everywhere but to his commander. "Er... Yes Sir, I tried to explain when they asked but... Commander Hawke was very specific and... Direct." He managed to say as the lump finally got down his throat.

"Tried the Theta band I see, and up to one-point-three... That could have been dangerous considering the effects when I tried the Theta waves in the first place." Leroy looked again at the PADD then at the ceiling as if pondering something then his eyes set on Veiron who felt suddenly very small.

"I... I know Sir, I would have avoided taking the crystal from its cubicle but, as I said, Commander Hawke has been very persuasive."

Patrick wasn't in the mood for a reprimand and, honestly, he couldn't blame poor Veiron for having obeyed orders from a superior, albeit reckless ones. The Divitian experience was just behind his shoulders but still close, with all its burden of frustration. Heaving a sigh Patrick put the PADD back on the desk and smiled to the Bolian.

"Don't worry for the crystal Mr. Veiron, you did well by abiding to orders. I will have a talk with Commander Hawke about that. Return to your post and send me Mr. Edney. I'm rather curious about Chroniton particles..."

"Aye Sir." The ensign answered in relief "I'll send him at once." Then turned to exit the office.

"Wait." Patrick stopped him in his tracks "I've changed my mind, I've something to take care of first. I'll send a call for Edney when I'm ready."

"Aye Sir." Veiron responded and quickly vanished out of the office.

Patrick browsed the list of names on the terminal and his eyes lingered on the object of his search. Kh'ali's name and rank appeared bolder on the list as he selected them.

He typed a brief message to let her know that he had returned and an invitation to drink something but at the moment to send it he stayed his hand. "No. Let's try my luck..." He told to himself as he stood from the seat. Exiting the Science department he covered the short range to the turbolift. A visit in person would be more welcome than a message on the terminal or at least he hoped.


The chime rang once more and Kh'ali dropped the hairbrush to her dresser. Leaving her long hair flowing free, she rushed over to the door and pressed the panel. It slid open to reveal Patrick and for an instant, she was unsure what to do. With all the excitement following the attempt on the Speaker's life, she hadn't heard the away team was home.

Now living proof of their return stood at her door. Without another thought, she pulled him in and wrapped her arms around him, all the stress from recent events ebbing away. She had kept her usual outward, unruffled demeanor for the rest but now she was afraid that, here in the privacy of her quarters, and with Patrick returned, she might cry. Not exactly the Klingon thing to do. Squeezing her eyes closed, she whispered, "Welcome home."

Taken aback by her transport, though far from being displeased, Patrick hesitated a moment in reciprocating but in the end he held her tight.

"Hey... That's quite the welcome..." he said after some instants pulling back to see her face. The look in her dark eyes was different from what he remembered when he left for Divitia Prime. Yes, happiness was there but it was mixed with something else... Something he could not single out.

"What happened? The mission on Divitia is over, even if not like we would have wanted, and I'm back." He told her smiling hoping to reassure her.

She started to speak and the events came pouring out in a flood of words, starting with the lily in her quarters, the night at the Nexus, her kidnapping, all she'd suffered at the hands of Thumb, being found by Aleksa and Edney, the assasination attempt. It took some time to relate it all and Kh'ali paced back and forth before him, finally winding down at the end of the tale with a whispered 'I missed you'.

"I missed you too. All those long hours light years away..." He started to say, but then the frustration and the disappointment of the Divitian reality he'd undergone seemed so small and unimportant to the duress Kh'ali had been put through by this heinous criminal. In a flash he realized he could have lost her for good while away on a distant world.

He stood from the couch and got closer to her. "Now it's all over. No more worries," he said as he brushed away a wisp of rebel hair from her forehead. "Remember what I said about diamonds being made under pressure? It seems to me that this one is glittering even more." Without thinking he held her again and pressed his lips on hers. She stirred in his embrace abandoning herself as the blissful moment took them both.

* * * * * *

Kh'ali gave a leisurely stretch and draped her leg over a lightly dozing Patrick. The faint scent of blood was in the air, mostly human, but the Klingon scent hung about as well. Several gashes snaked across Patrick's chest, though not deep enough to cause worry. There was a noticeable bite mark on his shoulder as well. Kh'ali smiled, then groaned aloud. Her bottom lip was swollen and she could taste her own blood. Well, all things considered, Patrick had come through this first round with Kh'ali in rather good shape. Brushing back her long hair, she settled in against him, whispering his name in his ear.

Patrick opened his eyes and his hand went to the chest were he felt that prickling sensation. "Hmm... I had a strange dream. One where I was locked in deadly combat with a klingon warrior..." He told her rather mischievously, while with the other hand he tenderly caressed her hair and tickled the base of her neck.

"Should I keep a dermal regenerator handy?" Patrick joked rubbing his shoulder. "Or just keep Doc Connor on alert when we meet?" He raised then leaning on his elbow to look her in the eyes. "We are going to keep seeing each other, aren't we?" Uncertainty broke his usual self-assured scientist tone.

Kh'ali nodded. "I was hoping you'd ask that. I though a lot about this while you were gone. When I was locked in that escape pod, thinking was all I had to do. And it was the hope that you would be home soon, back here with me, that helped me keep a grip on myself and not give up." She smiled, then immediately reached up to touch her throbbing lip. "You know, you bite like a Klingon. I'm impressed."

"I'm impressed too. Never did such a thing before." He chuckled then rolling over he searched for her lips again. "Maybe I can make the pain go away."

He got no argument from Kh'ali.


Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Both Very Glad To Be Home


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