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Posted on Mon Nov 28th, 2011 @ 8:34am by Major Maxim Kamarov

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Lecture Hall 04

The lecture hall was abuzz with the quiet talk of the assembled cadets as well as some off-duty officers interested in the military history course being taught by Major Kamarov. Maxim was himself, a student of history and his love of research had provided him with several opportunities to save lives on the battlefield.

Maxim took his place at the lectern and dimmed the lights. "It doesn't metter how many ships you have, nor how many ground troops, nor how many fighters you can sortie if the enemy knows your plans before you even move." The holographic viewer showed images of destroyed starships, the switched to naval vessels on fore and sinking. "Each one of these ships was lost because someone knew what their enemy was going to do. The Dominion were shapeshifters and able to bland into any given society. Older methods of gaining intelligence were breaking codes, interrogating prisoners, and beating the bushes for clues."

Maxim went on to explain how the use of tatctical intelligence could help win a battle. "Information is more precious than Special Operations in battle," Maxim went on. "However, there comes a time when you have a juicy bit of information that will surely win the fight for you, but you can't use it. Why?"

A Cadet raised her hand. "Compromising the source?"

"Exactly! Juicy information is also the most unreliable and suspect of all data. It's use will let the enemy know they have a leak and thus a source of information is blown as was the case of Colonel Oleg Penkhovskiy in the Cold War. He reacted rashly to an emergency dispatch from Washington and was taken into custody and shot by the KGB.

Maxim took a sip of water and continued. "Knowing what your enemy has planned is only half the battle."


"....I hope this has been informative to you all. Class dismissed." Maxim raised the lights and gathered his padd. Academia was starting to agree with him. Maxim quickly opened his padd and checked his schedule. Survival Section 2 was do for another simulator run in desert environment. And there were a few cadets making their mark in the Academy. When Professor Drake returned, Maxim was going to request they leading cadets form a special unit.

Maxim left the lecture hall smiling,

A post by:

Major Maxim Kamarov
Instructor, Starfleet Satellite Academy
Starbase 900


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