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Posted on Thu Jun 16th, 2011 @ 9:15am by Captain qeraQ' & Commander Sakkath

Mission: In Our Time of Need

The meeting of the Senior Staff had proven largely uneventful, but for Professor Drake's imperious entrance. Sakkath had taken his leave afterwards, returning to Ops and the nerve center of Starbase 900. It was going to be some time before he understood this immense station as well as he had the Berkeley, but at least from here he could monitor each system and every demand for power.

The Vulcan watched as the last few members of the Senior Staff departed, save for the Professor and the Admiral. Given Commander Drake's long history at Starfleet Academy, he was sure that Admiral Wegener was just as familiar with her as many of the other members of the crew - Sakkath included. The Vulcan's four years on Earth were also the final four years of Claudia's tenure, both of them departing in 2373. One graduated, the other... well, who was to say what had occupied the El-Aurian since?

Sakkath was shaken from his reverie by the chime of his console. A shuttle was coming in, one he quickly cleared to land on Pad 3. A smile threatened to tug at the corner of his mouth as he recalled the business with that pad so recently, an impulse that was never realized, brushed aside by Vulcan control.

qeraQ' entered Ops through one of the side doors and looked around. Men and women and other species stood at their stations and his eye was drawn to the central console, monitoring all of the approaching and departing traffic. The pattern was quiet, at least for a Starbase of this size. As time went on, however, he was sure that he would see the traffic increase. The Federation presence here was still minimal. People were always afraid of something new. Slowly the traffic would increase until they were turning people away.

He looked around until he saw a man in a gold uniform, a Vulcan, sat at the console traditionally used for Operations.

"Operations, report your status!" he used the forceful tone of a Klingon Commander, clipped and to the point.

Sakkath's response was immediate and detailed. If the sudden demand from the Commander had startled him, it did not show.

"Power distribution is nominal; all decks and stations report operational status. We currently host four docked vessels, two of them Federation in origin including the Arizona. Preparations are underway to receive the Divitian diplomatic cadre and will be completed in advance of their arrival," the Vulcan conveyed without so much as a glance at his terminal.

"Good. And where would I find landing pad 3 today?" He smiled at the Chief of Operations heading towards the man's station.

"Precisely where you intended to find it yesterday, Commander" Sakkath replied matter-of-factly, "though no less occupied than it was then." He rested a hand over the top of his console, observing the Klingon's approach, curious just how he would take what had transpired... what was necessary, Sakkath amended the thought, in order to ensure the smooth operation of this station.

qeraQ' gave a mighty belly laugh. "Initiative! I like initiative! I think we will get along very well Commander Sakkath!" he slapped the man on the shoulder in a gesture of friendship. A little too far for a Vulcan perhaps, but he felt a kindred spirit in the man. "Now then, to business, what preparations are still to be completed for the arrival of our guests?"

Sakkath lifted both brows in appraisal and mild surprise, but nodded in response to the shoulder slap. From that alone, it was clear there were few on 900 who could challenge the XO in sheer strength, and he was in no way angry at the moment nor so old as the greying of his hair might suggest.

"Preparations are underway to make Deck 51 ready for the Divitian contingent. Commander Zeferino has just indicated that she would prefer Decks 50 and 52 be made vacant for security purposes... I've left that to my Deputy for the time being." Sakkath's hands flew over the Ops console, bringing up a schematic of the deck in question.

"As you know, we were provided with little in the way of warning. I am confident that Quarters will be prepared in advance of their ship's approach, but you may wish to ask the Admiral to entertain them for a short while, for safety's sake, upon their arrival... Particularly if any changes need to be made. I will see to the Speaker's accommodations personally."

"I will see to it that they are given a tour of the station. In the meantime please be on standby to assist Lt. Commander Kh'ali and Lt. Commander Zeferino in any way necessary. I would also like additional security scans and checks run on all arriving ships. Coordinate with Intel on checking passenger manifests. I don't know exactly what the Divitians want but I won't let someone else interfere with their visits on any account."

"Operations shall be at their disposal," Sakkath pledged, though he felt assured that Kh'ali and Oralia would not have hesitated to come to him if they required anything. "As for the security of arriving vessels, I shall enact more stringent protocols immediately, and ensure that manifests go through Commander Hawke."

With a nod, the Vulcan set to work, drafting enhanced operational procedures at his terminal before sending them on to Security for implementation. Even as he did so, he opened his mind to the link he shared with Li, knowing full well that coordinating with Intelligence would not prove to be a problem at all.

I'm afraid I have some more work for you, Imzadi...

A Joint Post by:

Commander qeraQ'
Executive Officer


Lieutenant Commander Sakkath
Chief of Operations

Starbase 900


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