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The Boss

Posted on Thu Dec 15th, 2011 @ 9:40am by Captain Claudia Drake & Major Maxim Kamarov & Lieutenant James Holbridge & Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson- tSepeS
Edited on on Thu Dec 15th, 2011 @ 10:18am

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Academy Decks
Timeline: 0630, Day 1

Claudia stepped into her office and looked around, everything was as she had left it. This pleased her greatly, she couldn't stand people messing with her things. She ran her hand across her highly polished oak desk as she walked around to her chair. Ricky had seemed shocked to see her back so early from her jaunt to Earth, she was sure that a report from the Potemkin would be on his desk by the time he actually went on duty. She looked at the ancient mechanical clock on her desk, it was 0630, about time the new Instructors arrived. She had stopped by her suite on her way to the Academy to check on the boys, her aide would be bringing her twin Leopards down later once they had taken their habitual morning prowl around the main promenade and shopping areas.

The door chimed and Claudia smiled, they were exactly on time. "Enter" she said in a commanding tone, she watched as the two men walked in, "Ah Major Kamarov and Lieutenant Holbridge" she smiled but did not stand for their entry, "Please take a seat" she said gesturing to the seats on the opposite side of her desk. "I apologise for being otherwise engaged when your appointments to the Academy were made." she sat back in her chair and lit a cigarette, "I hope there has been nothing you cannot handle" she said mainly towards the Marine, the pilot had yet to take up his role officially.

Maxim sat down, chuckling. "Nothing I could not handle, sir. The children are eager to learn what I have to teach them. I gave them Donner Pass for their first simulation. The non-human cadets could handle the cannibalism, our human cadets were hesitant."

Jim made a face. "Glad you weren't my SERE teacher, Max!"

"Since my return, I have been checking the interim results for the Cadets, and have selected Cadets Ziyad, MacGyver, Conradi, Vor and Hawthorne a for a special programme. This programme will result in them completing the required courses for commissioning within 2 years rather than the usual 4..." she paused as the chime sounded again, she didn't look up this time, but spoke none-the-less, "Come in Lieutenant" the doors opened to reveal the half-Klingon officer, "Thank you for attending at such short notice, please give my thanks to Lt. Commander Hawke on your return to duty." she said in a pleasant voice, "Gentlemen, I am not sure if you have met Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson-tSepeS, she is one of the intelligence officer's assigned to Starbase 900, but is also a graduate student with the Academy and is working on gaining further qualifications."

"Good morning Professor Drake" Valkris replied as she entered the office "I will convey your sentiments to Commander Hawke, she is... currently engaged in other activities at the moment and so I do not expect to see her anytime soon." Valkris looked around the room and took note of the two other officers present "Major Kamarov, Lieutenant Holbridge...." she acknowledged with a curt nod of her head as she moved to take a seat.

Jim nodded politely to the new arrival. "Back to the cadets you just named, ma'am; are you proposing they take courses to say they have taken them or is there a genuine need for these kids to be pushed through fast? My flight program isn't for a first year cadet"

"The SERE program is a difficult one as well, captain," Kamarov added.

"Professor, are these cadets being selected because of a particular mission objective or simply because they have the aptitude for an accelerated training regimine?" Valkris interrupted "Is their focus simply to learn how to drive, shoot and survive or will the other aspects of service in Starfleet be given equal importance?" She added casually

Holbridge regarded Edwards with a raised eyebrow. "Isn't that what I just said, commander?" he asked with a well-hidden irritation.

Valkris thought for a second and smiled "...yes it was Lieutenant,.." Valkris replied "The first part of my question was a restatement of your question. Howerver the second part questioned the focus of the cadets training up to this point.." She added. "..But please, let us continue.." She replied.

Claudia looked at the three officers, "Well I am so very glad you have deemed that I am able to continue in my office." she paused and lifted three PADDs from her desks, "The Federation is expanding at a phenomenal rate and making in-roads with races we didn't even know existed just a year ago, we need officers on the front line who are from this area of space who are familiar to these new races. The group of Cadets I have highlighted are the best of their class and have the ability to complete the Commissioning Course in an accelerated manner, as do Cadets Conradi and McGyver, they are some of the highest scoring Cadet's I have ever seen...." she paused, "The three of you, under my direction shall facilitate these Cadet's progression through said accelerated course, and I expect you to make sure they pass with flying colours." she looked at them. "Think of it is your main priority from this moment on."

Jim held up his hand in an almost mocking gesture. "Um, with all due respect Captain, my course is not for first year cadets, no matter how phenomenal they are. As you know flying in space is dangerous and quite simply put the cadets aren't mature enough to handle the helm of a Work Bee, let alone base runabouts. In addition, showing favoritism to a select few is not what I call good form, sir." Jim knew he was taking a risk, but risk was his business.

Claudia looked at the young man, "Lieutenant Holbridge, I don't wish to discredit your countless years of serving as an educato...oh wait, this is your first educational post and you haven't even set foot in a class room." she sat back in her chair and arched her fingers , "Unless I am mistaken I am the Dean of this Academy, I am the person who has earned the academic rank of Professor several times over, I am the one who makes decisions that affect this academy and its' Cadets." she looked at the three of them, "Basic flight and flight 2 are both core courses at the main Academy during the first year, I suggest you focus on completing those modules when you actually have contact time with students, and then move onto flight 3 and four. Those who wish to peruse a career in the fighter corps can take the more advanced classes, those who won't will have met the standard requirements for normal line officers." she stared at the young Lieutenant as she made the pointed remark, "Something you will learn about education Mister Holbridge is not to pre-judge students and their abilities without first meeting them."

She sat forward in the chair, "The matter is not up for discussion, you have your orders, and I expect them to be carried out to the best of your abilities...any pertinent questions?"

Maxim simply began talking. "I have been instructing the chilldren as to basic survival scenarios and the lessons that can be learned from the situations. I am going to need thirty men from the embarked Marines to play a suitable OpFor, especially if we are giving your favorites a more intense learning environment."

Valkris smiled "Major, if you'll have me, I would like to be included on your OpFor scenario. From what I've read, all three of us have served in the same branch in our careers."

Turning back towards the Professor "We will all of course follow your orders as specified. The,. . . cadets will be given the best level of instruction available!" Looking around at the other two Marines she added "When do we start?"

"0800 tomorrow." she looked at them, "You are dismissed. Lieutenant Holbridge, remain behind."

Valkris rose to her feet and proceeded out of the office, knowing all too well what the next conversation with Holbridge would likely to be.

Jim looked at Kamarov in alarm, who only shrugged and left the room


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