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In Defense of Life, Part 2

Posted on Fri Jan 13th, 2012 @ 6:26pm by Commander Sakkath & Commander Patrick Leroy & Commander Oralia Zeferino & & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant


His own jaw tightening, Connor sliced a hand out, "Both crystals should have been on a science station, not on a starbase with a high civilian population." His eyes widening, he raised both eyebrows looking to them all, "So my question is, how much do you really understand what you're dealing with here?"

"Our debate is academic," the Operations Chief stated. "Perhaps it is less wise than necessary, and the human concept of nobility aside, I will not permit myself to exist at the cost of another. I cannot allow Ignatius to jeopardize her life for me. That much is only logical, and though the Tholian crystal may have permitted the late Commander's psyche to inhabit my consciousness, destroying it now would not undo that event. He must be excised, and if that requires enhancing Lieutenant Dobry's innate talents with both the canar and the amplifier, then so be it. We must avail ourselves of all potential resources... and when the malignant pattern is returned to my wife's mineral, we shall destroy it."

The Vulcan spoke with certainty, but all of this was hastily composed conjecture on his part. Iggy had bought him time, but not nearly so much as he would have liked. This deserved strenuous study and rigorous experimentation prior to a live trial.

"Not nearly so well as I should like, Doctor," Sakkath admitted honestly. "But time is of the essence, and I see no alternative."

"Maybe I wasn't so ready after all..." Leroy murmured to himself, then looking at Sakkath again. "It seems that the proven ability of Commander Rhys Balasz as a long-term schemer has cornered us again. Like on the Berkeley time ago. I do not like this but I cannot find any flaws in your point."

He then turned to look at the table where the spider stood still. "Federation's creed teaches us that any creature in the universe has a right to exist, a sentient one moreso I would add... And it seems we have a newfound one right here. I think we should make at least an attempt to find a solution to preserve both."

"Not at the risk of the minds 'n' lives on this station!" Connor stated adamantly, walking around them, looking at them all incredulously. "Unless you can guarantee me the effects of the Tholian crystal will not go beyond this room, I won't allow this. We'll have to find another way."

The Doctor's outburst left Iggy hunkered low on the table. Her fangs were down and her back legs rasped against each other, creating a hissing rattle. Then you would draw us to a deadlock, Oralia's Mate. Either we allow Rhys to take over Li's Mate and kill him or you propose to kill me. She paused only slightly then added, I admit, however much I do not like doing so, that it would make more sense to end my sentience than to allow Li's Mate to come to harm. That ending would thwart Rhys' plans, no matter how well laid they were, if they were.

"I propose neither, Ignatius." Connor angled himself, firmly directing his comment to everyone, "If Sakkath is right, destroying the Tholian crystal would not undo Rhy's presence within him, but by increasing its effects, it would place the telepathic population of this Starbase in harm's way. Isolate us, make certain the crystal's effects can not go beyond this room, or take this ...experiment... off the starbase."

As Connor spoke, the doors of the science lab opened once again to admit Li, with a Vulcan woman entering behind her. She stood at the door, listening to Connor's words. Only when he finished speaking did she step in enough to let the doors close behind her. Glancing from one to another, her gaze lingered on Sakkath for a long moment, trying to sense if he were alright. She did not move closer to him. Finally, she studied Dobry and nodded as if he'd spoken.

"There's no time to take this anywhere, but if Iggy is willing to assist Sakkath and Dobry, I can prevent his leaving till they finish him." There was little doubt which him she referred to.

The Vulcan's mouth hung agape for a moment as Li spoke. With their bond effectively sealed, he had been unable to sense her approach, and now fear rose up within him. Rhys's consciousness latched on to the emotional response, struggling to use it, to help regain his dominance in the Commander's mind.

Sakkath composed himself outwardly. "You should not be here," was all he could think to say, cold and detached - emotionless. It was rash for her to endanger herself by coming.

"You need me and I..." She stopped and licked her lips. Now wasn't the time to get into it, and Li was not the sort to display her emotions publicly, though those watching closely could likely read her pained expression, brief as it was. "I want this done, and I want"

Sakkath had begun flexing and extending his injured left hand, causing clots to break and some of his green blood to flow anew. He tried to force himself to concentrate, to not frown visibly, to not raise his voice to her. "I want the same," he managed in a strained measure, "but you must know that you are not safe with me. Not now, and certainly not once the procedure begins." The strain was beginning to show through, the pace of his words quickening, the volume growing. "For all we know..."

And then he stopped, blinking midsentence. For all they knew, Rhys was still in Li, as well as in him.

"Doctor, examine Commander Hawke for signs of the mental anomaly," Sakkath requested, his line of thought shifting entirely.

"Just a second." Leroy intervened before Doctor McKinney could answer to the Vulcan's request. "Before we take any further action, I believe McKinney's right about having any undesired effect confined in the laboratory. We know what happened the first time we tried to experiment." He said looking at Sakkath and Hawke in turn "Time is running out so my proposal is this: The Takei has sufficient scientific and medical equipment. We can ask for the ship's requisition with a skeleton crew and scientific and medical staff all exclusively non-telepath. Reach a safe distance in space and operate the experiment. Any medical scanning can be performed on the starship on our way to the set destination." He ended nodding to Sakkath.

Leroy then turned to the Doctor "This will keep the starbase population safe and minimize the risk. Is that satisfying enough from medical point of view?"

Rubbing the stubble on his chin, Connor considered the Science Chief's proposal then nodded, "Yea, should be bonza. More so than staying here." He eyed Sakkath's injured hand; the bone and dermal regenerators would have to wait. "First, the move. Then we'll get to Li's mental anomalies," he shot a knowing look at Li.

While the preparations were made, Ignatius tapped out a slow, annoying, beat on the table. She wasn't aware it was annoying; it just was. If we are leaving the Starbase, then I must notify Oralia. I would not want to unduly worry her. Li, could you contact her for me, please?

Li nodded. With a tap to her comm badge, she sent word to Oz that Iggy was with her and safe. Nothing more. Then she spoke to the group at large. "I think that's the best idea. It will give me a smaller area to have to contain as well. As for my anomalies, I would appreciate a check Connor, but I think he's gone fully over to Sakkath. His twisted way of....taking over the one thing that means the most to me and...replacing him." Her voice grew rough and she turned away to the doors of the lab. "Let's get going while Sakkath still has some control."

"I have every intention on monitoring the both of you throughout the procedure, Li." Connor nodded over to the Vulcan woman, who then crossed over to stand before Sakkath. She pulled out neurocortical monitor from her labcoat and held it up. "Commander Sakkath, I am Healer S'Angla. I will be assisting you."

The Vulcan Commander lifted his right hand in the traditional Vulcan greeting to S'Angla, craning his neck to facilitate placement of the neurocortical monitor. "It is agreeable to have your assistance," he replied, knowing that if nothing else, S'Angla would not make an attempt to place him in a compromising emotional position.

S'Angla nodded once in return, proceeding to look to a small medical tricorder that had been programmed to the monitor. "Invading neurological activity has increased."

"Then let us proceed with all possible haste," Sakkath intoned, lifting Ignatius from the table. Materials gathered, he led the way into the corridor - their destination, the transporter room and ultimately the Takei.




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