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Making Plans To Lead a HUm-Drum Life

Posted on Thu Dec 29th, 2011 @ 9:08am by Major Maxim Kamarov & Lieutenant James Holbridge

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Cherry Pit

Jim and Max chose a table far back from the hubub in the room. Holbridge was in a foul mood while Max was feeling rather chipper. "I can't believe some old bat that's lived for a bajillion years is gonna say that kinda shit about me! She has been out of touch as far as..."

"Jim, she is right. All cadets have first-year flight. The principles and dynamics of basic flight are cookbook simple. A lowly, bbble-headed ensign can fly the biggest ships!" Max said, slurping his ale.

Jim regarded the Russian with a dirty look. "Are you trying to cheer me up or did Professor Banshee pay you to annoy me?"

"I'm just saying what is true."

"I didn't sign up for this." Jim said simply. "I'm thinking about resigning my commission. Wet-nursing children through flight class is not my idea of keeping the Federation secure."

Maxim shook his head. "We are passing on what knowledge we have to a new generation,"

"We're a couple of middle-aged screw-ups, Max!" Jim protested. "We messed up and this is where Wegener dumped us!..."

"You may think you are a screw-up, James, but in my experience there are no accidents. We are here to make sure the children in this class can handle what is out there," Maxim said reasonably.

"Bullshit! If the admiral had bothered to read my file, he would have seen that I am the scion of one of the best geologists in the Alpha Quadrant and put me in charge of the Hammond or the Takei on a geological survey!. I guess my doctorate in exogeology is just a showpiece for my I-Love-Me wall." Jim replied, swigging his ale. "I'd almost prefer playing in the rocks to teaching kids how to push buttons"

"As is my degree in intergalactic relations, James." Maxim replied. Seeing that Jim was still angry about his dressing down by the Professor, he took his drink and left the table seeking cheerier amusements. The Cherry Pit was a dive, for sure. It was the kind of bar where you could enter with a pocket full of credits and a hardon and leave with both badly deflated. Maxim felt confident in his Marine unifrom and he stepped up to the bar.

"What will it be, teach?" the barkeep asked.

"Apple vodka with pepper vodka chaser," Max said quickly. He glanced around the room, noting the place's over all vibe, dark and foreboding while being scintilating. His wife would have a shit fit if she caught him in here, but she was at home with the children.

OOC: Maxim is open for a lil adventure if anyone wants to JP it!

A JP by

Lt James Holbridge
Pissed-Off ex-flyboy


Major Max Kamarov
Huntin For Action


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