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Outside Looking In

Posted on Wed Feb 29th, 2012 @ 2:42pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Tora Sulan

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant

Kit'rin'e tried to comfort his Mate as best a 500lb feline could. He wanted to help her yet was forbidden to do so. Even though he promised to mention something if it put his health at risk. Due to in no small part the fur coat that covered him from head to toe, his feelings were hidden from view. He was upset that his Mate was struggling with his culture, especially some Sha'la'ne turned up so unexpectedly adding to the issue. Though she had offered to teach what was required it still left a heavy burden and he was to blame. While not directly causing harm to his Mate, he was indirectly making her suffer from the complex traditions and cultural requirements of Caitian society and life.

"Perhaps..." He paused. "We should seek assistance from someone impartial." He suggested as he held his Mate.

"There is a Lt.Commander Swift, the stations Chief Psychiatrist, perhaps he may be able to help."

"Help how? Can he pound all this into my head?" She smiled but there was concern in her eyes as she looked back at Kit'rin'e.

"Probably not, but maybe there is a way for you to learn from me what you need, without me violating my ways." Kit'rin'e started to explain. "If I explain to him the expectations and requirements of you, of me and our mating, you can listen to what I've said even though I am explaining it to the Commander." It was a stretch of the tradition at best, he knew that. Sha'la'ne might have mixed views about it but it would be private between Mates and the Commander.

It would also give her the help she needed, from the one person she needed it most from.

A gleam appeared in Sulan's eyes, then a slow smile spread across her face. "You know, that's pretty sneaky. I like it. What will Sha'la'ne say about it? Or is this a 'need to know' thing and she doesn't need to know?"

"It would be best if she did not know, she would not like my manipulating of our ways like that." Kit'rin'e replied. He hoped that Sha'la'ne would not discover what he did, she was still Elder after all and her punishment could be harsh. At least however with that information at hand Sulan would have what she needed to better help her cope with everything that was him.

"She won't hear a word from me. Will you arrange it with the Counselor then?" Relief began to thread its way through Sulan. Maybe, just maybe, this would work and she wouldn't feel so much in the dark. "I still need to decide also if I want to delay becoming the Elder. I don't know that I should, at least until I have a better understanding of...everything."

"The choice is yours to make, when you are ready you can be Elder, you should not rush that which is unknown to you and still need to adapt to." All of this for a relationship, who ever said love was easy and simple. "Let's go see if he is available now, it can't hurt."

"Very well," she kissed his cheek, then stood. "No time like the present.

That said and done, the pair left and headed for Commander Swift's Office, where he hoped the man was available to see them.

* * * Counselor's Office * * *

Kit'rin'e explained a few of the basics, very basics of his culture and traditions.

Dr Swift looked upon Kit'rin'e with interest. He had presented him with an interesting problem that was sure to be challenging. After listening to the Caitian explain what he could of his culture, as Star Fleet’s data base was a bit sketchy at best due to privacy issues of the race, he was intrigued by the solution to the crewman and his mates dilemma. “Of course I would be happy to help in anyway I can.” He said.

"In the situation my Mate and I are in, I'd like to explain to you, what's expected of a Caitian Mate, my own Mate can then listen and learn. As I am not allowed to tell her and I know this could be seen as undermining my ways but she needs to understand what's expected of her."

"And since everythign here is in confidence, no one will be the wiser, and this it shouldn't cause Kit'rin'e any problems," Sulan added.

Robin listened intently to what was expected of him then spoke. "So essentially I will act as a sounding board with an occasionaly objective word as needed. I think I can do that. Perhaps it's time for some Tea or what ever you deem the appropriate beverage." He added with a smile.

"Not for me thank you." Kit'rin'e answered. His mind was telling him his Mate was present, that he was in a way violating his ways. "To Caitians the female is the dominant gender, my Mate controls every aspect of our relationship. Offspring, touch, the choice to marry if she wishes it." It was hard for Kit'rin'e to explain this. "Touch is very important to my kind, it has so many meanings which many species don't see or understand." He looked at his Mate, he was hoping this was helping her.

"Scent is vital, in the early stages of our relationship my mind undergoes a chemical change to accept her being around me, accept her as part of me. This bond is what, if my Mate were to leave me, could very well kill me." He didn't want to scare his Mate, yet she had to understand that she had his life in her hands from the moment she said 'Yes'.

Sulan nodded slowly - this part she now knew. "Which is tricky, given my job here on the station. We...." she hesitated a moment. "We almost had a serious issue because this was unknown to me in the beginning."

Robin observed the reactions and apparent discomfort both Kit and Sulan were in. It was obvious that this was something neither would elect to go through if it were not for real love that each felt for each other. Interspecies relations was not new to Star Fleet but each case that presented problems had to be handled delicately, as theirs was the only one complete with it’s own unique complexities and nuances.

He himself had faced problems posed by society with his chosen mate despite it having been a situation that mankind had several centuries to work out and accept. It just goes to show you that no matter how opened minded and advanced a civilization would grow old opposition would always find a way to rear its ugly head. This made him realize, as he mused over the complexity of the problems that his two new patients faced might not be apparent to the Star Fleet senior staff at hand. He could only think of one possible solution at the present so he spoke. “I think it may be beneficial for both parties if your commanding officers are advised that while under medical care it is essential that you both are only to be assigned to missions that will allow close proximity to each other for the prescribed time that you need to complete your bonding ritual."

"The details, of course will be protected by doctor patient privacy. All that others need to know is that you are patients undergoing a process with the supervision of your doctor and that it in no way will affect others or your jobs aside from the afore mentioned stipulation. As far as meeting your unique cultural needs my office is always open for you to verbally work out your own process of handling the nuances of your situation. If you choose to have your mate present where they will hear details then I would look at that as merely convwnience of time rather than an infringement on your societies protocols. Does that sound acceptable to the both of you?”

Sulan smiled and reached over, taking Kit'rin'e's large hand in hers. "Very acceptable. Jackson will be easy to work with, he is somewhat aware of the situation and will let me do as needed."

"The Admiral understands the situation from my prior meetings with him." Kit'rin'e went on to explain a little more but it came time that he needed something to eat, he'd not realised that pushing himself to talk had in fact felt himself become very drained. After explaining this to the Commander and arranging to come back another time the group parted ways and for Kit'rin'e, made the troubled way back home with his Mate.


Joint Post By

Lt.Cmdr R.Swift M.D, PhD
Lt.Cmdr Kit'rin'e
Tora Sulan


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