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Into the Rabbit--er, Wormhole, Part 1

Posted on Thu Mar 1st, 2012 @ 3:41pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain qeraQ' & Commander James Frost & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: SB900 C&C / USS Hammond
Timeline: Current

** Starbase 900 -- Command & Control **

The Hammond had been dispatched to observe the formation of the wormhole and record any and all scientific data it could. Luckily they had been in such close proximity to it and could respond in such a manner that they didn't miss much of what was going on, and what they had missed had been picked up by 900's arrays and a scientific buoy that they had launched. But now, almost twelve hours after the fact, it was time for action. Ricky wanted to know what was on the other side of the wormhole and it was time to find out.

"Open a channel to the Hammond," he said to no one in particular.

A moment passed. "Channel open," Ensign no one in particular answered.

"Starbase 900 to USS Hammond."

=^= Hammond here. =^= came qeraQ's reply.

"Captain, how has the field trip gone? Did we pick up anything useful?"

=^= We have obtained quite a bit of information, Admiral. The science and engineering crews have been working without much rest simply because they do not want to miss anything beneficial. I believe it is safe to say that we have gotten all that we can from this outing. =^=

"Sounds good," Rick said. "I think it's time we made our way into the wormhole, however. I have an entire task force out here that may be stuck and cutoff from the rest of Starfleet. And since we don't know where this wormhole goes I'm going to send a flight of fighters with you as well. The Hammond can do well in battle, but every little bit helps."

It wasn't exactly normal to send a ship through a newly formed wormhole this quickly. It had only been 52 hours since its' formation. This definitely fell under the auspices of 'exigent circumstances' and Ricky felt there was nothing else to do. He also knew that if anyone would be able to brave the unknown like this, it was qeraQ'.

=^= Agreed. =^= came the reply on the viewscreen. =^= I would like to depart as soon as possible. =^=

Rick nodded. "They are scrambling as we speak and should be at your position momentarily. Good luck, Captain, and be safe."

** USS Hammond - Bridge **

qeraQ' nodded and the screen returned to the view of the wormhole. Taking a seat in the command chair, qeraQ' tapped his communicator. "All hands, this is the bridge. Admiral Wegener has ordered us into the wormhole to investigate its destination. I am certain you will all be brave as we wade into the unknown. Be prepared for anything. We don't know where we will be going and who may be waiting for us on the other side. Commander Frost, report to the bridge."

Normally the CO of the Hammond, Commander James Frost was placed as the first officer on this particular trip. He had been in engineering most of the time, overseeing the engineer's part of the study of the wormhole. Now, however, he was needed on the bridge.

Turning to the helmsman, qeraQ' said, "Advise when the fighters are in position."

She nodded. "Aye, Captain."

From behind him the security chief advised, "Sir, we are being hailed from the station. It is Lieutenant Smith from intelligence. He is asking for permission to come aboard for the trip through."

The burly Klingon knew the name but had yet to meet all of the security staff. If he recalled correctly, Smith had formerly been a pilot. "Permission granted. We can use him on the bridge."

* * *

Pat had barely time to get his fighter cleaned, moved back to the marines flight deck and then changed into a flying suit once the confirmation that he could join the Hammond came in. Replicating a handful of air fresheners he'd seen in his younger days from earths history he took them to the ship and hung them up around it to clean out the smell hoping he wouldn't have to explain.

To him it seemed like it took no time before he was in formation alongside the USS Hammond. Setting his ship to autopilot so that it would stick in formation no matter what the helmsman done he beamed over and headed to the bridge.

**USS Hammond - Turbolift**

You've got to be kidding me

Frost had been in Engineering working out a few kinks in the Hammonds computer system. Things were glitching out left right and center and even his special mods weren't working.

When the summon came for him to go to the bridge he had been working out a glitch in the holodeck controls in particular.

It seemed that a holodeck program of someone's ex wife, oddly named Miss Bitch, had decided to migrate into the computer personality sub-routines. Naturally this resulted in the computer often rebelling at the worst possible times, claiming that the user was insensitive and that it was ready to leave. Naturally this was impossible as the personality sub routines for the LCARS computer was integrated directly into the computer core, as such it would be like a person trying to amputate their own brain.

So when summoned James let out a huff of frustration and headed for the nearest lift, leaving engineer Truchon to deal with the nagging LCARS interface.

Or so he thought.

At the mid point of his turbolift ride the lift stopped.

James sighed. "Miss B, I have to get to the bridge."

"Not until we have a little talk about you leaving your uniforms on our nice clean floor!"

"MY FLOOR!!! Not our floor!!!" James rubbed his forehead. This was going to be the lift ride from hell.

* * *

Smith entered the bridge of the Hammond and spied the bases XO sitting in the center chair. He approached to introduce himself and to find out what he would be doing if anything. "Captain. Lieutenant Smith reporting. Anything I can do to help?"

"Find a station and begin monitoring," qeraQ' replied. "We don't know what we will find on the other side." He watched as the lieutenant sat and began calling up a standard intelligence console.

"Captain, the fighters have assembled with groups on both port and starboard sides."

qeraQ' nodded. This was what he was waiting for. "Go to yellow alert and notify the fighters to do the same. Helm, take us into the wormhole, half-impulse."

"Aye, Captain."

The Diligent class ship slowly inched toward the wormhole flanked on each side by numerous fighters. They were all headed straight into the unknown as this particular wormhole could lead them literally anywhere. With any luck it would take them somewhere relatively close to Federation space, but there was no way of knowing without actually going through.

"Sir, we have entered the wormhole," the helmsman said.

At that point James emerged from the lift, muttering something about pulling the computers vocal processor later.

"You've almost missed our initial entry, Commander," qeraQ' said as his XO appeared.

James shrugged. "Sorry, had a bit of a fight with the computer. Apparently she's sending a sub-space message to Rick about how much of a douche I am."

The look qeraQ' gave him could only be interpreted one way.

"I'll explain later over drinks." Frost sighed.

The Captain watched the man momentarily then spoke, "Helm, increased speed to three-quarter impulse. Ensure sensors are active and ready for anything upon our exit."

(To be continued...)

A joint post by:

CMDR James Frost
Chief Engineer, SB900


LT Patrick Smith
Intelligence, SB900


CAPT qeraQ'
Executive Officer, SB900


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