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In Defense Of Life - Part Four

Posted on Tue Feb 28th, 2012 @ 4:08pm by & Commander Sakkath & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Commander Patrick Leroy & Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant JG Quentin Dobry
Edited on on Tue Feb 28th, 2012 @ 4:26pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: USS Takei

***** USS Takei - Main Science Lab *****

Leroy checked his calculations once again before setting them on the LCARS console.

Anticipating his crewmates on the ship had given him some time to check on the scientific equipment of the Takei and the opportunity to ask for some last minute adjustments to the lab. Now that all seemed set he'd cast a glance around to have a final assessment of available instrumentation

"Not very much to begin with..." he murmured to himself in disappointment thinking of the much better facilities onboard SB900 "But that will have to do".

He carefully took out the Tholian crystal from its protected case bringing it to a table right under a molecular projector. The crystal was shedding its usual bluish hue in response to physical contact with Leroy's hands. This time though a strange sensation swept over him, the back of his neck tickling strongly.

Patrick rubbed his neck looking at the other table where the second crystal would have been resting in a few. It was then that the ship shook forcing him to grasp the table to keep his footing.

That was strong...

He wondered what could have possibly happened but, no matter the reason behind it, he could not afford to lose time. His comrades and Sakkath would have been there in a very short time and the instrumentation had to be perfectly calibrated by then.

* * *Transporter Room* * *

The sight of Li's active defense had not been lost on the Vulcan, but years of training had barely managed to suppress it. Would that it had only been so with Commander Balasz's taunting.

She is afraid of the man who saved her, of her husband! he cackled gleefully. My, how the tables have turned!

Sakkath, for his part, managed to lead everyone the short distance to the Science labs but upon arrival excused himself.

"Continue with the preparations," he half-requested, half-ordered. "I need to check on the Bridge." Without waiting for objection, he disappeared around a corner of the corridor.

Annoyed, Connor glanced at S'angla and said, "Go with him, I don't want him left alone."

Still holding onto Sakkath, Iggy went along with him for the walk to the Bridge. This place tastes different, she commented idly. If we are not going to go the speed of light, then why are we going to the Bridge?

Sakkath was half surprised to hear Iggy's reply, having forgotten that she was accompanying him.

"The shockwave we felt on the station will have also impacted my ship," he explained. "I need to know it is undamaged before I can accept any more... personal attention," the Vulcan decided.

I see. Bad timing, that. Wouldn't the crew on this vessel contact you if there were damage?

"Perhaps," Sakkath admitted, "though I am not listed for active duty at the moment. Given that I am here, it seems logical to be certain."

Li paused at the entrance to the lab, watching as Sakkath departed for the bridge. She gave Patrick a nod, then slipped silently down the corridor, keeping Sakkath in sight.

S'angla had the intentions of catching up to Sakkath when she felt her arm lightly grabbed. She turned, raising more than an eyebrow as she pulled her arm away.

Li's contact with S'angla's arm allowed her to communicate telepathically with the doctor. I want to make sure that Rhys doesn't have him do something wrong with the controls on purpose. It would be a prime chance for him, so I wanted to see what he does when unaware he is being observed.

S'angla raised an eyebrow quickly in return. Indeed she replied instantly in thought, In this instant, I agree it may be necessary. I shall assist you.

Sakkath emerged moments later onto the bridge. "Report," he demanded simply, draping his hands behind his back. Two junior officers looked quite surprised to see him.

"Commander Sakkath," the Alpha Centarian Ensign at the Conn began. "The ship was rocked by a shockwave a few moments ago, sir. No damage to the vessel has registered on our instruments, but we're running diagnostics to be sure. "We did have one injury. K'lar took a blow to the head when she lost her footing."

"We sent her back to 900 for treatment," the Bolian Petty Officer also present added.

Sakkath nodded. "Discounting yourselves, who remains aboard?"

"There are two others. Donaldson in the engine room and Commander Leroy came aboard shortly before the shockwave."

"A human, good," the Vulcan replied, though this drew curious looks from the other two officers who knew quite well that Donaldson was human but not why it mattered. To Sakkath, it meant there were no telepaths on board to be affected by the crystal. "Petty Officer Brenod, please return to 900," the Commander continued. "We are operating with a skeleton crew. Donaldson can monitor engineering. Ensign Mettle, you will be in command. No one is to come aboard without my consent. Commander Leroy, myself and several others will be in the laboratories conducting an... experiment." He was loathe to call it treatment.

Apparently, as he had been speaking, he had idled his way towards the command chair without realizing, simply walking and talking in a very natural fashion. It wasn't until he had placed his folded hands on the back of his usual seat that the motion even occurred to him, and he narrowed his eyes at the command display below. He was sure he hadn't manipulated it... yet.

"Carry out your orders," he said brusquely, turning to leave in a hurried fashion and carrying himself back into the corridor with a quickened gait.

To Be Continued....

Lt. Commander Sakkath
Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Lt. Commander Oralia Zeferino
Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Lt. Commander Connor McKinney M.D., PhD
Lt. (jg) Quentin Dobry


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