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People Watching

Posted on Fri Jul 1st, 2011 @ 2:31am by Commander Sakkath & Captain Claudia Drake

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Replimat
Timeline: Morning After Devitian Arrival

Sakkath sat in the station's replimat, a cup of tea and PADD in hand with a half eaten plate of hasperat set before him. Over the contents of his display, largely details of the forthcoming Divitian delegation, he occasionally took notice of the persons passing by... many of them Starfleet, some species he recognized, and some natives to this Quadrant that he could not even name. Absently, he wondered how long it would be before some of those alien patrons of 900 flew Federation flags; before a member of their species blazed a trail and donned a cadet's uniform.

"It's a wonderful sight isn't it?" said as she sat down next Vulcan man, "Are you a people watcher Lieutenant Commander?"

"Commander Drake," Sakkath said, standing as his superior officer took a seat. He turned his attention momentarily back to the throng in response to the Professor's question. "I imagine I shall be," he replied. "Of the ships I have served on, and even the Science Station, none ever supported traffic of this magnitude or of such variety. It is not unlike being back in San Francisco," the Vulcan recalled.

"Although Earth is the central hub for the Federation, it is not often that you see such a wide variety of people as you do on a frontier station" she smiled, "Please, re-take your seat." she said as she lifted her cup of tea to her lips, "It must be difficult for your wife and you to be so newly married and then be thrust to a new assignment that keeps you so busy."

Sakkath slid back into his seat, setting down his PADD and taking a drink from his own tea as he considered his response, the scents of Vulcan spice heavy in the liquid. "It is certainly time-consuming," he admitted, "but I believe we were both well aware of what we agreed to. It is certainly agreeable to have progressed so swiftly, both in rank and responsibility."

If he were concerned about the emotional implications, they did not show through his Vulcan stoicism.

"Quick progression is not always the best thing Lieutenant Commander, sometimes it is best to spend several decades in a rank before progressing to the next to ensure you are fully aware of the implications of promotion." she sipped her tea, "Tell me about yourself Lieutenant Commander..."

"That could be a long tale," Sakkath cautioned, though he largely ignored his childhood in the telling. The life of a boy on Vulcan was generally unremarkable, but for schooling and the pursuit of logic. He spoke of having studied on Vulcan, Earth and Trill; of serving aboard science outposts, startship and space stations. The Berkeley was his first Senior posting, and the Takei may well prove to be his first Command. Though he did not give it voice, he could not help but think on the Professor's words. 'Quick progression is not always the best thing'. His romance with Li had been like a powderkeg, quick to ignite. Quick to burn? He did not believe so. Hopefully, his career would parallel that course.

"I have spent a fair share of my life in education, as have you Professor, though we are from opposite sides of the desk. No doubt part of your company stems from that topic, and your burgeoning Academy."

Claudia looked at him and moved into a state of mock shock, "I am quite offended Lieutenant Commander...can't a fellow officer just sit down and chat with a colleague?" she sipped her tea, "Actually I have missed Vulcan companionship, I spent close to 80 years livings amongst your people in the 22nd Century. Your personal senses of logic have always interested me."

"Evoking an emotional response was not my intention," Sakkath countered. As she revealed another element of her past, he quirked his brow. "Intriguing," he admitted. "There are not many off-worlders who can achieve a level of personal comfort amid the sands of Vulcan, at least not enough to make it their home for the better part of a century. I imagine it must have provided you with a... unique insight."

Claudia laughed, "That is one way of putting it." she smiled, "Being a Psychiatrist, amongst many other things, it made me realise that Surak was actually makes sense, I even published a research article about it at the time. Administrator V'Las didn't like it....but then again we found out he was actually a Rommie agent...T'Pau liked it though...if you could call her not trying to argue against it liking it" she sipped her coffee and appeared lost in thought for a moment, "You are also unusual amongst your people Sakkath, the majority of them would find serving in such a diverse emotional climate as a Starbase quite difficult."

Sakkath wasn't entirely sure how he felt about the founder of his civilization being described in terms of a mental illness, but he tried not to let the emotional chords that had been struck show outwardly. Instead, he focused on the Professor's impressions of himself.

"It is through adversity that we are shaped, Professor," he replied, "and wide experience increases wisdom." Those last were Surak's words, Sakkath knew, perhaps brought to the fore by his mention. "900 may not be the ideal venue for the pursuit of kolinahr, but I understood that my surroundings would not always be ideal when I opted for a career in Starfleet. It serves, and I can ask no more of it than that."

"A noble pursuit." she said with a smile, "How is your research coming with Lt. Cmdr. Leroy and that crystal?"

Sakkath's face took on an appraising quality. Professor Drake seemed to be quite well informed, despite her short time on the station.

"Slowly, if truth be told," the Vulcan admitted. "We have yet to determine if the crystal's empathic qualities are innate or the result of an outside force." Rhys, Sakkath knew, was that outside force of greatest concern. It remained a possibility that he was somehow seeking revenge against Li, and himself. "At any rate, it is a concern for the Betazoids, Vulcans, Trill and countless others on the station if the mineral can affect those with telepathic inclinations over a substantial distance."

"I would be most grateful if you would keep me appraised of any developments" she said as she sipped her tea.

"Consider it done, Professor," Sakkath replied, knowing that Claudia's background was varied enough to include a complex understanding of science. Perhaps a fresh set of eyes on the problem would prove to make all of the difference.

Claudia nodded, "Thank you." she stood up and placed her cup on the table. She gave a slight bow, then gave the traditional Vulcan salute, "Peace and long life."

"Live long and prosper," Sakkath offered in response, standing with his hand also raised in the ta'al. As he watched her depart, the Vulcan's comm badge chirped - a summons to the Takei that he quickly acknowledged, also making his way from the replimat.

A Joint Post by:

Lieutenant Commander Sakkath
Chief of Operations


Commander Claudia Drake
Dean of Education


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