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First Meetings

Posted on Sat Jul 2nd, 2011 @ 12:52am by Captain qeraQ' & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Security Offices

((OOC: This is a slight backlog - it would have come sometime shortly after the Berkeley's crew switched over to the SB.))

Bent over a table, scanning yet another PADD for information that her new assistant swore was there, Oralia was completely unaware that that assistant and his buddy, a Lieutenant named Darwin, were behind her, carefully reviewing the assets she was helpfully presenting to them. "Why is that report not coming up on here?"

qeraQ' swung through the doors of security, his past meetings telling him that surprise was the best approach to get to know the exact lay of the land. Some of the more astute people under his command quickly learnt to expect the unexpected, others set up proximity alarms. He was happy with either, at least it meant that they were aware of him, but he preferred the former. As a result he often left his comm badge in his quarters, masked his biosigns or beamed into the room directly. It was an approach that worked especially well with operations and security.

Catching the question as he entered he smiled. An interesting dilemma.

The two Lieutenants who had been ogling their new boss saw qeraQ' and quickly straightened up.

"Would that be a question on how to use Lcars or a reference to the information not being provided in the first place?" he was taking a softer approach with this one. Newly promoted and young for it, even if her record was glowing and showed clearly that there was ability.

Straightening up and turning quickly, Zeferino took in the speaker. With a flick of her gaze, she saw the expressions on Darwin and Chase and put two and two together. She almost rolled her eyes. "Commander qeraQ', it was a question for one of these two. Perhaps one of them put a passcode on the report...," she smiled as she covered for the two.

Darwin nodded, "Ah, yes, yes, I believe that we did."

"Then we'll get that fixed," Zeferino nodded as she turned her full attention to qeraQ'. "Good to meet you, Commander, as you probably know, I'm Oralia Zeferino. These are Lieutenants Darwin and Chase; Chase is acting assistant till I appoint someone permanently."

"Very good. What is the status of the security team?"

"Fully ready for almost anything the universe might toss our way," she answered without really answering, "If the universe throws us a super-nova... perhaps not, but we could handle the evac procedures. Right now, I have teams running drills on two of the holodecks."

"I see. Well do you require any additional resources or support?"

"Not right now, no, Sir," Oralia shook her head and smiled slightly.

"Very good. I know from your records that you are new to command. If you need any advice then please come and see me. While I may have learnt most of what I know in a Klingon Engine room or engaged in combat I have had a number of experiences that you may find... useful."

A quirk of her brow showed that her interest in just how qeraQ' was defined 'useful' had been piqued. "I'll have to take you up on that offer, Commander," she unintentionally sounded flirtatious. Her unreadable expression didn't help qeraQ' discern what she meant.

Just as she was about to add on to her comment, Lieutenant Chase's commbadge chirped and a voice alerted him, and those near him, that a crewman had been injured during one of the holodeck drills. Oralia smiled at qeraQ' and said, "I'll contact you about your offer, Sir."

"I look forward to it!"

A post by

Commander qeraQ'
Executive Officer
Starbase 900

Lt. Commander Olivia Zeferino
Chief of Security
Starbase 900


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