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New XO

Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2011 @ 8:24am by Major Maxim Kamarov

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: MCC Deck

Maxim Kamarov, major in the Starfleet Marine Corps, passionately hated equipment inventories and looked for any excuse to shove it off on his XO. But as this was the first one and Natalya always kept track of his clothes and gear he figured he could participate. Besides it wasn't like there was anymore crap, the fighter detachment was Marine Corps as well and Maxim was the ranking officer...sonofabitch!

The Corps has sent a snot-nosed captain to command the fighter detachment! Maxim growled to himself Wonderful! What will happen next?

"Major Kamarov, you 1030 appointment is here," his secretary called.

"Show her in!" Kamarov said gruffly.

A very fit looking woman in fatigues entered the room and came to attention. "Captain Amanda Fulton reporting as ordered, sir!"

Kamarov grinned. "Have a seat, captain! Can I get some coffee or something to eat?"

"No, sir. I stopped by the officers mess on the way here and filled up, but coffee sounds good."

Kamarov's smile widened as he retrieved the coffee from the machine. Not afraid of senior officers, that is good! He set the mugs down on his desk. "I won't beat around the bush, captain. I need a new exec and from what I have seen of your records, you are the right person for the job."

"Is it because I am a woman, sir?" Fulton asked bluntly, as was her nature.

Kamarov shook his head. "It is because you know how to get things done, captain. Your fitreps are stellar..."

"My fitreps are a bunch of polished orghr'ashit spewed from officers glad to be rid of me," Fulton said in a neutral tone. "I don't care what they say or do to me, I do my job as I am directed by my commanding officer, which is you, sir."

Maxim had dealt with Xenexians before and knew that they were not social animals, mainly due to their isolation and treatment by the Danteri during the latter's 80-year occupation of Xenex. There was something else about this young woman that was troubling him. Max decided to press a bit. "Captain verBerg spoke very highly of you. I'd like to know how you are acquainted with him.

"I ran from Xenex when I was 14 to escape being a Danteri whore-slave. The ship was bound for Betazed and I nearly starved to death. After making it to Betazed I found I had to sell my body in order to get food for myself. A customer used and abused me to the point badly and left me in a heap in an alley. Had Mr. verBerg not found me, I would have died. He treated my injuries, enrolled me in school, and got me an education despite my age and lack of Terran social graces. He is the closest thing I have to a father, sir"

Kamarov nodded. "You're my new exec, then. I want you to get this personal equipment inventory finished. My wife has all of my gear stored in out home!"

"It's nice to have a mate, sir" Fulton added.

"Dismissed, captain."

After Fulton took her leave, SMAJ Woodard came into the office. "Good choice, sir. That woman has a lot of brass."

"I picked her because she knows what it's like to be down and out. She is self-made and I want the other Marines that are whiners and head-cases to see what a real Marine looks like."

"Sounds good, sir. I'll have a talk with her later. Right now, I'm going over the Intel dispatches we have been getting on the Divitians. It's nothing but Starfleet analysis and not the raw information."

"I'll put in a call to the intel chief about that, Woody."

"Very good, sir. I'm gone!"

A post by

MAJ Maxim Kamarov
Starbase 900


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