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One More Miracle - Part One

Posted on Sun Feb 3rd, 2013 @ 7:46am by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Commander Sakkath & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Lieutenant Eric Edwards

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: SB900 - Top Of The Station
Timeline: Following 'A Change Of Heart'

The stillness was just as Sakkath recalled it from his last visit here. Overhead, through the unseen force field, the stars of the Delta Quadrant hung like a tapestry amid ever-expanding blackness. The fleet had long since moved on, leaving the scene unmarred by anything but natural wonders.

Of course, Sakkath was not alone, but the corpse that resided next to him was not interrupting his reverie. Chance Conradi was in no position to be interrupting anyone, his lifeless shell - repaired, Sakkath was told - having been delivered to this point at the top of 900 mere moments ago by Doctor Harding, who had retreated just outside the doorway to monitor vital signs and respond if needed, but otherwise give Sakkath the solitude he required to perform the fal-tor-pan.

The thought of the ritual brought the Vulcan’s gaze back from the vista of space to the room in which he stood. Dozens of candles flickered in the room, the flames Sakkath often thought on while meditating. It was perhaps an unnecessary embellishment to the site, but he would take anything that might put him more at ease, make him more confident in his ability to follow through with the monumental task that had been set before him. On either side of the Vulcan commander, clad in a ceremonial white robe slashed with gold and crimson, were two beds. The Cadet’s still body occupied one. The other awaited its resident.

Sakkath's moment of solitude and peace was broken abruptly by a loud curse. The universal translator provided a shortened and strangely unemotional version of the Hazari's foulness: "Eli! Where is my beautiful love? Shit! No! I'm not going in there!"

"Shut up," Gilroy growled as he none-too-gently shoved the Hazari into the room. The prisoner was cocooned in a bright orange straitjacket, his arms wrapped about himself and bound together behind his back by the arms. A thick band encircled each ankle, connecting his legs together, making walking difficult, running impossible. "Commander," Gilroy nodded with respect to Sakkath and asked, "Do you wish him to be gagged as well?"

Eric Edwards, in the meantime, hung back and consulted in private with Doctor Harding just outside.

“I do not believe that shall be necessary, Lieutenant.” Sakkath regarded the Hazari plainly, unemotionally, staring into the man’s eyes even as he struggled.

“You have doubtless sensed the thoughts of another within you,” he said evenly. “We seek to remove what has been given without consent; to restore you to your own self. The alternative is descent into madness. Will you cooperate?”

Stalling mid-struggle, the Hazari stared back at Sakkath. “Madness? Insanity? That’s not a place I want to be, though I am there now. Get me my self back,” he said, leaning in toward the Commander, enough that Gilroy felt the need to catch him by the shoulder and hold him back.

“Lie down, then,” Gilroy gestured at the empty bed, prompting the Hazari to take his place there, with some assistance from Gilroy and Lieutenant Edwards thanks to his bonds. To Sakkath, he directed the question, “Would you prefer we leave you three alone, Sir, or would you like an officer to remain?”

“There can be no interruptions once I begin,” Sakkath replied. “So as to remove distractions, it would be best if you waited with Doctor Harding, Mister Gilroy, though your concern is well appreciated. I believe our guest understands that this is in his best interest.”

“Very well,” Gilroy nodded and ducked back out of the room and nearly bumped into Harding. “Doctor.” He looked past the man to Eli.

“Lt. Gilroy,” Eli greeted him. He then looked from Gil to Dr. Harding. “Any idea how long this is going to take?” He had accompanied Will as he brought Chance up and left him in the room and now, leaned against the wall outside the door. He’d made note of the time when the Hazari entered, knowing he’d likely check the time and curse as it seemed to stand still.

Will shook his head. “There’s really no way to know. All we can do is wait. But there’s four of us, enough to play some poker if we get really bored.”

* * *

As Gilroy checked in with her, letting her know that he and Edwards had successfully delivered the Hazari to Sakkath’s chosen ritual site, Oralia cursed the outstanding efficiency and ability of her officers. Getting the Hazari to the room was fine; letting her know... maybe not so much. Now she knew just when Sakkath was getting started. Now her worry could start. She looked at the clock and sighed.

* * *

Eric had walked over to place a comforting hand on Eli’s shoulder, offering him a half-hearted smile in the face of all of this as Sakkath approached the small group, his hands folded and resting against his stomach.

“I am prepared to begin,” he announced. “You may remain here as long as you wish, but you should be advised that with Ambassador Spock this process lasted many hours overnight, and Priestess T’Lar was far more seasoned than I.”

“I’ll be here,” Eli said immediately. He watched Sakkath a moment, then rested his hand over Eric’s and smiled. “You couldn’t pry me away.”

“Ditto,” Will answered. “Joe is on call in case I need a break or have an emergency, but otherwise I will be here.”

“Jackson promised to send in food when needed too,” Eli added. “He’s not coming, he said he’d be the one to keep Oz from going nuts.”

"As you wish." Sakkath reached forward and keyed the door control separating himself from those outside. "Computer, seal this room. Permit access only on medical or security override. Command authorization: Sakkath-five-nine-gamma-echo." He waited only an instant for the sound of the computer's compliance. "Furthermore, let the record show that as of this time index and stardate, Lieutenant Commander Zeferino is the acting commander of Starbase 900."

Administrative issues out of the way, Sakkath positioned himself between his two charges.

"Kal-tor kal-if-fah," he intoned as he raised each of his hands above the heads of the Human-Vulcan cadet and the Hazari enforcer. "Ben, wal, navu."

As his fingers came to rest on the foreheads of both his eyes drifted shut, and the fal-tor-pan was begun.

Commander Sakkath
Going where this Vulcan has never gone before...

Lieutenant Eric Edwards
Guard Duty & Moral Support

Lt.Commander Oralia Zeferino

Lieutenant Gilroy
Gruff and to the Point

Cadet Second Class Eli Ziyad
Settling In To Wait

Lt. Commander William Harding, MD
Crossing His Fingers


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