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Meeting the New Girl

Posted on Thu Mar 7th, 2013 @ 4:18pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Vic & Camille Ross

Mission: The Struggle Within

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Jackson looked in the mirror hanging on his office wall and gave his bowtie one last little adjustment, then brushed a speck of lint from his white dinner jacket. One final glance and he nodded with satisfaction. Perfect. He turned and departed his office, moving out to the bar where Vic was just finishing the final set up. They still had some time before they opened but Jackson wanted to meet the new girl and have a chance to speak to her uninterrupted.

“Hey J.” Vic passed him a glass of lemonade.

“Thanks, Vic.” Jackson took a sip and looked over to the stage as the small orchestra was warming up. “So where’s the new girl? Camille is it?”

“Camille Ross. She was just doing a final check of the reservations and said she’d be back here in just a minute.”

“Good. What do you think of her?”

“I think she’ll --” Whatever Vic thought would have to wait. He stopped immediately, looking past Jackson.

“She’ll what?” Jackson noticed the direction of Vic’s attention and turned as the young woman approached.

“Hi Vic,” Camille said as she approached the two men. Turning to Jackson, she said “Nice tae meet ye. I’m Camille,” she gestured out her hand to Jackson. She’d always been taught to be respectful towards employers, and her mum had had manners drummed into her since she was a wee bairn.

“Camille.” Jackson shook her hand gently. “I’m Jackson Banning, the other owner here and Jan’s business partner. The pleasure is all mine. Vic didn’t tell me you were so....competent.” Behind him Vic coughed to cover a laugh. “Welcome to the Nexus, I’m sure you’ll get along jus’ fine here.”

“It’s been great being here so far I have tae say.” Camille said, with her smile still in place. “Am looking forward tae workin’ with some decent people rather than the muck back in ma ole place. I hope what I’ve got on fits the correct staff attire?” She asked, directing her question to Vic, whilst doing a miniature twirl in a tailored, navy blue, knee length cocktail dress.

Jackson looked at Vic, a smile on his face as Vic nodded. Turning back to Camille he answered, “As long as it’s formal, yer good to go. Why don’t I show you around so we can stop distractin’ Vic?”

As he asked the question, however, the doors by the bar opened and a young man rushed in, dressed in formal black pants, white dinner jacket, black vest and tie just as Jackson was. His skin was tan and his longish hair was dark.

“Sorry I’m a few minutes late, we had a little excitement at our quarters. Well, more than a little.”

“And Camille, may I present Cadet Second Class Eli Ziyad. Also, my ward and one of our singers.”

“Nice tae meet ye Cadet,” Camille said as she gestured out her hand to Eli. “I look forward to hearin’ yer singin’.”

Eli’s smile was bright and sunny as he took her hand. “Welcome to the family, and make no mistake, that’s what it is.”

“Eli, why don’t you show her around while I go over a few things with Vic?”

“Sure, and Chance is on his way, you can meet him too, Camille.” Eli turned and gestured towards the main room. “We’ll start there.”

Camille nodded,“lead the way tour guide,” she said jokingly, and followed Eli.

Eli led her around the main room, showing her how the table numbers were laid out, explaining which tables were usually VIP tables, where the table that was reserved for Jan and Jackson, and thus for Lt. Commander Zeferino and Oz’s brother Jackson as well. There was another table saved for the Admirals and Commander Hawke and both were close by the stage with a good view. They had reached the stage now and Eli hopped up, then held out his hand.

“Come on up.”

Taking his hand, and as ladylike as she could, she got up onto the stage. “Youse have loads of room up here!” She exclaimed. Then remembered where she was. “Sorry, just not used to havin’ so much space. Ma old stage was literally box sized, enough for one performer to just about turn in circles.”

“Have you taken a look at how big this station is? How many decks?”

“I’ve only been here a day and a half mind. I’ve not had much time tae have a look around. Got off the shuttle and straight for my apartment. Then came here tae report in. Though on my way in I did get a good glimpse at her. And then started tae ask me-self what I’d left me-self in fer.”

“Four thousand, eight hundred and fifty-four decks. More people than you even want to to think about.” Eli grinned. He motioned to the musicians. “Camille, this is the orchestra. Say hello everyone.” There was a round of greetings and waves as they all said hello.

“Nice tae meet ye’s all.” Camille said, flashing her smile once more and giving several nods of acknowledgement to the orchestra. As she greeted everyone, she started to notice that she was feeling sad and upset. But also her normal cheery self at the same time. She couldn’t quite understand how or why she was feeling like this.

As she spoke to the musicians, Eli noted the shift in her mood and turned to watch her, belatedly kicking himself for taking her hand without warning her first. “Let’s get on and see the dining area, then I’ll show you the offices and break room.”

Camille tried not to let her sudden range of emotions show on her face, and kept her smile firmly in place. She felt a bit unsettled, but couldn’t understand why as she was embracing the change in location, and had nothing to be ancey about. “That sounds good to me Cadet. Always good tae know where I can get me a cuppa.”

It was in the break room where she met Chance, who was doing just what she’d said: getting a cuppa. His was a cup of coffee, laced with something that smelled a bit like mint and licorice. Not the usual flavorings humans, or Vulcans, cared for in their coffee. As Eli came in, Chance smiled, “Hey babe, thought I’d find you back here.”

“Chance.” Eli smiled immediately and leaned in to give his cheek a kiss. His own mood lightened considerably. “Chance, meet Camille, she’s the new hostess here. Camille, this is Chance, my....” He stopped unsure what label to pin on Chance.

“Your partner I can assume? Nice tae meet ye Chance. Least now I know I won’t have any hassle or smart comments from ye’s,” she said with a hopeful jokey laugh. She really hoped she hadn’t overstepped the mark.

“Partner, roommate, classmate, sure,” Chance said as he winked at Camille, giving her a good look-over and a smile. “Camille, very nice to meet you. Don’t count on a lack of smart comments or hassles.”

“Aye, but I’ll know there’s nothing behind it comin’ from ye’s. Most other men I’ve had tae work with try tae have a joke, but always have some sorta meanin’ behind it. Anyway, I shouldn’nae be looking back at tha old. What’s next on your tour Cadet?”

Eli looked at Chance and shook his head. “Better watch him Camille, he has a smart mouth on him.”

“Indeed I do, especially when Eli is goi-- oh...!” Chance coughed instead of finishing his ribald comment as Eli tweaked his ear. Rubbing his abused ear, he laughed and quickly goosed Eli in return.

“Unless ye’s think there’s anythin I need tae know for now, I think I’ll leave ye’s be and go and make at start out front. Wannae make sure everythin’s in order fer ma first day.”

“We’ll be opening in half an hour. You’ll have a break after my early set and I’ll take over for you till you get back. Another just before Jan’s late set. You need anything in between grab me.” Eli smiled at Camille, a rather sappy one.

“Or me. Non-work-related, though,” Chance flirted with her.

“Thanks guys.” Camille said, being genuinely thankful for the boys help. She’d also started to feel much happier since walking into the break room for another unknown reason. Dammit must be due a visit soon, she thought. “As for grabbing ye’s if I need anythin’, I’m sure ye’s would both prefer it if I called ye’s over instead of grabbing the other person. Don’t want to create any jealousy between ye’s now,” flashing both men a cheeky smile.

“Glad to have you with us.” Eli’s smile lingered as Camille departed and he turned back to Chance. It took several moments before he finally spoke. “I like her, I think she’ll be good here.”

“She’s hot and she smells good,” was Chance’s only comment about her.

“She is. And I forgot to warn her about being close to me. I touched her hand and I was going to tell her but then you got here and distracted me.”

“Do I ever not distract you?” Chance put an arm around Eli’s waist and pulled him a little closer. “You got time before you have to do anything for work?”

“Sure I --” Eli froze in Chance’s arms and closed his eyes, trying his best to stop the flashback that came from that hellish night. It had been the same situation....getting close, an invitation to nip over to Jackson’s office for a quick one.....he felt like the air had been sucked out of the room suddenly.

“Wow... that was a monumentally bad thing to say, huh?” Chance suddenly looked and sounded like the teenager he really was. He swallowed hard, having seen the same flashback thanks to his connection with Eli. He’d had it from three sides: Eli’s, his, and the Hazari’s. His ardor was sufficiently chilled, the memory having acted more like liquid nitrogen than anything, and he suggested, “Maybe I better go and let you get to work.”

“Sorry. Maybe....maybe we need to break this curse Chance. Jackson’s gonna be out front for a while.”

“Uh... no, maybe not now. You know, we’ve had a hard day. We can revisit this some other time. And place.” It wasn’t like Chance to pass up sex... but then, he wasn’t exactly himself anymore.

“You sure?” He leaned in to brush his lips over Chance’s throat. “The danger is over.”

He pushed Eli back a step and said, “So is the moment, babe. We’ll get it another time; there’ll be plenty of other times.” Because you’re mine.

Eli nodded, the thought passing straight to him. “You better believe there will be.” He was silent as he looked back at Chance, holding his gaze. “Yes, I am.”

He hugged Eli fiercely then quickly brushed a kiss to his temple. “I’ll see you later tonight, love.”

“Good.” Eli stood, thoughtful, as he watched Chance depart. Once he was alone, he stood lost in thought, letting Chance’s thought pass through his mind. Chance’s possessiveness both warmed him and left a worrisome note deep within him. He was Chance’s, there was no doubt of it, but for just an instant in Eli’s head, Chance’s thought blurred, then blended with the voice of the Hazari. He shook his head to clear it. Silly thoughts. He turned and made his way out as well.

He reached the bar and gathered Jackson and the pair moved off towards the stage for a sound check. Behind them, Vic poured himself a glass of iced tea then turned to his terminal. Moments later, a message was sent off to Lt. Edwards.

Camille Ross
May have met her new best friends.

Making Plans

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Welcome Committee

Cadet 2nd Class Eli Ziyad
Getting Mixed Signals

Cadet 2nd Class Chance Conradi
Failing his Flagmanship Skills


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