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The Great And Powerful Oz

Posted on Mon Mar 18th, 2013 @ 6:33pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain Li Hawke & Commander Sakkath & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: ADM Wegener's Office
Timeline: Current

* * * Rick’s Office -- SB900 * * *

It didn’t take long for 900’s science team to figure out how to dissipate the remaining portal energy in Rick’s office and deem it safe for occupancy again. While he didn’t exactly mind getting to take care of business in his quarters, there was just something about being back in his own office that he enjoyed. He’d had a new desk made up and sent to his office to replace the one with the large, gaping hole in it. As he settled into his comfy chair he knew that he needed to get back to business. Sakkath and Oz were still officially runnings things, so that needed to be taken care of, and it wouldn’t hurt to shower them with kudos for keeping things on the up-and-up while they were gone. They had been thrown into the deep end without warning and he wanted to let them know that he’d appreciated all of their hard work.

After having sent both of them a request for a meeting, along with Li, he set about tidying up a few of the things that had been disturbed during Suresh’s little appearance and the science team’s work.

Oz, strangely, was the first to respond to the Admiral’s request, showing up a few minutes prior to the meeting time. She shouldn’t have been surprised - after all, Li and Sakkath were likely still in the process of ...reuniting. “Admiral,” she nodded and smiled as she entered his office. “Good to have you back.”

He had his back turned to the door, cleaning up the glasses at his bar. He turned and smiled. “Oz! It is definitely good to be back and I’m happy to say that you didn’t break anything while we were gone.” He laughed as he put his hand on her back and steered her toward his chairs. “And I’m so sorry to hear about Iggy,” he said as he sat across from her.

Taking a seat, she nodded, “Iggy’s disappearance is troubling, but we have a couple of good people on it. I’m confident they’ll bring her back. Until then, we have Suresh’s trial and conviction to keep me busy. His recent... comings and goings have started a power play in the underworld. We’re working to keep tabs on that and, hopefully, influence who ends up with that power.” Much as she wanted to eliminate the underworld, she knew that wasn’t possible. Next best thing: work to mitigate the evil in the underworld.

He shook his head at the mention of Suresh. “I swear--had I been given the opportunity I would have struck him down on the other side and been done with it. But I guess sending him away forever will have to be it.”

The doors opened again allowing Li and Sakkath to enter. He once again stood to greet them and pulled extra chairs over to accommodate them. One thing he’d always tried to do with his senior staff was to let them know that they were welcome in his office and try to put them at ease, instead of hiding behind his desk like some evil overlord.

“Li,” he said with a nod and turned to Sakkath. “Commander Sakkath, welcome, and as I told Oz, thanks for keeping everything in top shape. You both did one hell of a job in our absence.” He showed them to the seats.

"I have endeavored to hold things together in your absence, Admiral," Sakkath said before pulling out Li's chair and then taking his own after her. "It was not a simple matter."

Some might have downplayed events, but no Vulcan.

“Despite the mountain of reports you left for me Oz, thank you. Stellar job.” She smiled at Oz. “And dinner’s on me this time while we catch up. I understand that a team is being sent out after Iggy?”

“Thanks,” Oz acknowledged the praise. “Yes, Lieutenant Edwards is heading up a team to retrieve Iggy. He took Patrick Smith as his pilot.”

After a few more moments of chit chat, the first order of business was to get things back in order, namely, turning control of the station back over to Rick. That was finished quickly and without any fanfare, but Rick wanted to celebrate a bit. “Li, now that we’re back and settling in, there’s something I wanted to do for our people. Granted, not every single person chipped in, but I’m sure they would have if possible. Get with our department heads and have them allow everyone a day off of their regular shift. It’s not much, but it’s something and I’m sure they’d all enjoy having an extra day. In the meantime, I’ll be putting in for a unit commendation for each member of the Hammond. What they did was very dangerous and they need to be recognized.”

“Agreed on both,” Li answered and made some quick notes on her padd. “I know it’s been stressful for all concerned and I’m sure they’ll appreciate the consideration.’

Rick stood and poured himself a glass of scotch, real scotch. “Oz, Sakkath, anything of importance that we should know about? We’ve read over the official reports and all that, but not everything always makes those. Just wondering if any other minor issues may need our attention.” He turned and held up his glass. “Anyone else? I have all kinds of drinks available.” Oz shook her head in answer.

"I believe there is a bottle of Romulan ale back there," Sakkath said, well aware of the fact he had gifted it to the Admiral. It was his preferred drink of choice, his metabolism able to handle it better than most. "As for items not contained in my report," he resisted the urge to say detailed report, "there is only one."

Sakkath turned and regarded Oralia for a moment before returning his attention to Rick. "I would personally like to commend Commander Zeferino. She had every reason to wish to step down, and never even broached the subject. Her duties were executed admirably."

Looking mildly surprised, Oz sat up a little straighter. She gave Sakkath an unreadable look (though Li would have the upper hand there, as she could easily read Oralia’s thoughts) and said, “Thank you for the praise, Sakkath, but I only did what needed doing. Had I stepped down, Patrick Leroy would have been in my place. It was more important for him to be working on getting the two of you back.”

Li nodded. “I am amazed at the heavy load you’ve had to bear of late, Oz. Now that we are back, and given all you’ve been through, including plans for an upcoming wedding,” here Li smiled, “with the Admiral’s permission, I’d like to extend your day off to a week. That should give you time to have a decent honeymoon.”

"I'd appreciate that," Oz smiled, knowing Jackson would, too.

"And well deserved," Sakkath echoed. "I am quite looking forward to returning to Ops. My computers and this station's systems will prove more agreeable companions than the issues that cross a CO's desk, I should think." For the Vulcan at least, his routine duties would seem quite the vacation.

Rick was satisfied with the performance of both Sakkath and Oz and, right now, he’d be willing to grant them just about anything they requested. “A week off sounds about right to me,” Rick replied. “And despite your love of Ops, Sakkath, I can assure you that when you become a CO, you will most definitely excel at it.”

Sakkath opened his mouth and raised a finger, prepared to object to the idea that a Vulcan 'loved' anything... But in sitting next to Li, he thought better of it and settled back in his chair.

The Admiral walked to his desk and opened the top drawer. “But for now, I need everyone’s attention, and for my dear Oz to join me."

Comments like that never failed to make Oralia wary. She still stung from the time an Academy professor had called her to the front of the class and then proceeded to pick apart everything that was wrong with her uniform that day. Rationally, she knew the admiral wasn't about to do anything of that sort, so she stood and moved to join him.

“I know we’ve only been back for a day or so, but Li and I have been talking about your performance as XO while we were gone, Oralia. And along with Sakkath’s commendation of your actions we feel that it’s come time for you to be officially recognized for not only what good works you’ve done as the chief of security out here in this strange quadrant, but for how easily you slid into the XO role and tackled it without fail, despite what was going on in your personal life.” As she stood next to him, he reached to her collar and removed her old Lieutenant Commander pips, replacing them with three full gold pips. “Computer, begin recording.” He paused for the computer to begin. “As of this date and time, I, Admiral Ricky Wegener, Commanding Officer of Starbase 900, promote Oralia Zeferino to the rank of Commander. It is to be noted in her official record that she has performed above and beyond her former rank in taking on additional responsibilities and, in her role as Chief Security Officer, has performed exceptionally.” He extended his hand and took hers. “Congratulations, Commander Zeferino. You have my gratitude and admiration for a job well done.”

A promotion... It certainly wasn't something she'd expected. Particularly not after having killed the Hazari. But then, the official story was self-defense and defense of others... she just needed to convince herself still. Smiling, she shook the Admiral's hand. "Thank you, Sir."

Li rose and and shook Oz’s hand formally. “Congratulations, Commander. It’s very well-deserved.” She smiled warmly.

Oz saw again the Hazari and a spike of doubt ran through her. Outwardly, she smiled and nodded at Li. "Thanks. Commendations have to go to Sakkath as well. Without him, the damage the Hazari and whomever hired him did would have been permanent."

"I did no more or less than was necessary, given the situation," he said, accepting the compliment with a nod. "In a perfect universe, we would have conveyed Chance to Vulcan and a Priestess. How has his reeducation been progressing?"

Caught a touch flat-footed on that question, Oz bluffed, “Oh, ah... just fine. Sort of. Eli has shown him around; we’ve talked. He has a few quirks, but some of those seem to be settling down. When he first...,” When he first what? Came back from the dead? Reanimated? “Ah... at first, his favorite foods were different - he claimed to love half-cooked burgers with vinegary mustard and heaps of mayo on them. Kids’ food. He’s coming back around to appreciating simpler tastes.”

Sakkath listened and, despite his neutral features, seemed almost unexplainedly pleased. "A logical progression. His mind will build from the earliest, most formative experiences in order to interpret the more recent of his memories. It is... encouraging," he decided. "In any event, my congratulations, Commander." He saluted her in the tradition of his people, with the ta'al. "May you live long and continue to prosper."

The Vulcan likely knew just how much his actions had meant to her, so Oz let it go with a smile. She returned his salute. “And you, Sakkath. Thank you.”

“Well,” Rick said, satisfied with his handiwork, “I don’t think a commanding officer could be any more pleased with his senior staff than I am now. Of course, this means more responsibility but I have no doubts that my people are more than qualified to handle anything thrown at them.” He raised his glass as a salute.


Admiral Ricky Wegener

Commander Li Hawke

Commander Oralia Zeferino

Commander Sakkath


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