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Early Breakfast

Posted on Wed Mar 20th, 2013 @ 5:18pm by Camille Ross & Jackson Banning V

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Current

* * * The Promenade * * *

Jackson had awakened when Oz left for alpha shift and while it wasn’t his custom to stay up after she left given his usual late nights, this morning returning to sleep seemed an impossible task. The thoughts of the three men taking off to rescue Iggy chased round and round in his thoughts and for what seemed like the hundredth time, he wondered if perhaps he should have gone with them.

Still the decision was made, and Jackson was awake and hungry. Which is why he now found himself seated at a table in the sidewalk cafe that overlooked the main level of the promenade, a cup of coffee before him and breakfast on its way. The people passing at this hour moved in a steady stream, blending together, separating, then blending back together once more. His tired brain wouldn’t put forth the effort to study the faces to see who he recognized. This early he didn’t much care. That is, until one face in particular stood out, surprising him because the owner of that face had been out just as late as he had been. It was Camille. When she turned his direction, he raised his coffee cup to her and smiled, watching as she stepped out of the crowd and began to move in his direction.

Unable to sleep in a bed that was still strange to her,(and unable to stop thinking about Patrick Smith,) Camille decided that she may as well make the most of the day ahead of her before work. She got dressed and made her way to the promenade, to get breakfast.

Walking along in her own little bubble, she nearly jumped when she realised that the man raising his coffee cup to her, was her boss. “G’mornin’,” she greeted him with a smile. “I didnae think i’d see you here at this time of the mornin’.”

“Neither did I ta be honest. It’s rare that this time o’ day sees Jackson Banning.” He pushed out the other chair with his foot and motioned her to it. “Have a seat, ya here for breakfast?”

“Aye, couldnae sleep so decided to have something made rather than replicated.” Turning to the waitress that had arrived she said “coffee and a bacon sandwich please”, and turning to Jackson, “You wantin’ anythin’? My treat.”

“Mine’s already on it’s way and no, this time it’s on me.” He waited as the waitress set a cup down in front of Camille, then filled both cups. “So how’d you like yer first night in the trenches?”

“Ta,” she said to the waitress. “And ta tae you too,” She said turning to Jackson again. “It’ll take me awhile tae get used tae being on my own again, but I’m sure I’ll settle in soon.”

“On yer own? How so?” Jackson’s first thought, given her age, was her parents.

“When I divorced my ex husband, I got together with my part...” she cut off remembering the note she had left Marty the morning she left. “Sorry, ex-partner, shortly after. So was always kinda with someone for the past 5 years or so.” She finished quietly. She didn’t want Jackson to think she was some kind of hussy, and think that she just wanted Patrick as another notch on her belt.

“I see. It’s an adjustment bein’ on yer own again then. I’m sorta the opposite. I’ve been on my own for....” he paused a moment before he continued, “a lotta years. At least till recently. Recently engaged.” A smile settled on his face. “I’ll tell ya now, bein’ patient and waitin’ for the right one is worth the effort.”

“Have tae agree with ye there, that it’s nice having someone. I was a young and foolish bairn when I married that tosser. Next relationship was a rebound and a mistake. So I plan on taking things slow in future. Like you say, be patient and wait tae I find the right one,” Camille finished trying to keep a smile on her face, regretting bringing the mood down.

Their breakfasts arrived and once the waitress was gone, Jackson reached for the bacon. “Good idea. So what do ya think of the Nexus? No issues last night I hope?”

“None for me anyway. Everyone’s being so friendly to the new lassy so I’m settling in well. I hope,” she added as an afterthought.

Jackson nodded. “No complaints at all and Mr. Landry even complimented you to Eli, and Mr. Landry is hard to satisfy. So congrats.”

“It’s easy to have good hospitality when you’ve a good place tae work in, and enjoy workin’ there. I’m not tryin’ tae give ye a big head here, but the atmosphere’s a good place tae be workin’ in.”

He grinned and raised his coffee cup in a toast. “We do try. An’ I”m glad yer feeling at home there. It’s a family, so get used to it. Which means if there’s anything ya need, you can always come to me or Jan, or Vic or Eli an’ we’ll do whatever we can.”

“Ta,” Camille said trying not to choke up. Was far too early in the morning for all this emotional talk. “I shall think of you all as my older and younger siblings,” she laughed.

“That also means that we’ll be in yer business too, goes with the territory.” He shrugged and smiled back at her. “ Funny thing is, we are family. I’ve worked with Vic for a long time and same with Jan. I’ve known her since I was a young thing. As for Eli, that’s an interesting story. Jan and I sorta adopted him and serve as his guardians since he fled to 900 and requested political asylum. It’s worked out just fine, too.”

“Got tae warn ye I may be a tad off with the whole family knowing my business ‘til i get used tae it again. Goodness knows where my half-brother and sister are. And kind of avoid talking to my parents since I left for Starbase 52. But it’ll be nice having ye’s look out fer me, and I’ll do the same fer ye’s. Especially Eli as he’s the perfect age fer a younger brother.” She smiled at the thought of having a family type unit again. Even if it meant having them in her business.
“So if you are gonnae be in my business I suppose that means you’ll have a watchful eye on Patrick?” She asked.

“Like I don’t already? I’ve worked with him some too.” He didn’t elaborate on that. “He’s a good guy, the kind it’s good to have watchin’ yer back. Vic said he saw some sparks flyin’ when he came back to the bar.”

Camille could feel herself blushing. “Umm, aye, we may have talked for a wee bit. He’s to take me out around the ‘base someday in his ship.”

“Maybe when he gets back. Seein’ this station from the outside is worth a trip, it’s impressive as hell.”

“Get’s back?” Camille asked.

“Yeah, emergency mission. If all goes well, they should be back in a few days at most. Vic mentioned it to me and I said I’d pass it on to you.” He reached for another piece of bacon. “That reminds me, Vic’s gonna be gone a few days too. He was due some time off, so Roshon is going to be mannin’ the main bar for us till Vic gets back.”

“Ahhh okay.” Absence makes the heart grow fonder she thought. “Donnae think I’ve met Roshon. Then again I’ve met that many people I could well have.”

“He’s Vic’s assistant, you’ve likely seen him running supplies for Vic. I’ve offered him the back bar to run several times but he likes bein’ barback for Vic.” He shifted in his seat and finally pushed his empty plate away.

“With ye now. I’ve seen him running around in the background, but havenae talked to him properly other than a million and one “ta’s” as he does so much.” With that she took her final bite and pushed her plate away too.

“I hope Patrick knows how tae treat a lass after leavin’ her hangin’ so soon after meetin’.” She thought out loud. “Shit, oops, didnae mean to think out loud there,” she apologised to Jackson.

That got a laugh from Jackson. “Camille, yer gonna learn that there ain’t much that this bunch won’t say, trust me.” When the waitress returned, he took the padd and entered his code. “I enjoyed breakfast Camille. I gotta run though, an’ see a man about a dog.”

Camille understood that Jackson has business to do that he didn’t want to talk about. “Ta for breakfast Jackson. And I enjoyed it too.” She said with her almost ever present smile. She nodded her boss off, and thanked the waitress as she ordered another coffee. She was going to be caught up thinking about Patrick no matter where she was, so she thought she may as well enjoy it with a coffee.

Camille Ross
Lost in Thought

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Out Prowling Early
The Nexus Club


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