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Late Night Stroll - Part One

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2013 @ 5:27am by Commander Dae Nalas & Seyla & Camille Ross

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Camille's Quarters / The Wormhole Bar

******** Camille’s Quarters*******

Camille woke not too long after Eli had finally left her quarters. She’d tried to sleep but couldn’t get Liam’s face out of her head. Every time she was about to fall into a deep slumber, she would see Liam standing there, in the doorway of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. Damn he still had a ripped body she thought. But then she would catch her thoughts again and start to panic about why he was there.

Getting out of bed and pulling on some sweats, she decided she’d go for a stroll. She had wanted to go to the Arboretum, but was waiting until Pat arrived home so he could show it to her. Deciding that she would just walk and see where her feet would take her, she took a quick glance at her computer before she left.

It was a good job she did as there was a strange message, from someone she hadn’t seen, well, thought she hadn’t spoken to in four years. The message was from the real Liam.

“Hey Cami, how’ve ye been? Bumped into your brother the other day and he was saying you’re on a starbase now? Can’t believe the home bird finally left, but I guess you’ve changed since we last spoke. Just wanted to message you to say that I’m getting married again, to a lovely girl I met shortly after the divorce. I didn’t want you to hear it from somebody else, hence the message out of the blue. Alannah (my fiancee) suggested I should invite you along. The wedding’s next month, back home on earth, so the majority of Alannah’s family would attend. Would be great if you could make it, oh and the invite includes a plus one as your brother didn’t know if you were still with Marty. Hope you’re keeping well. Love always, Liam.”

Camille froze. It was only a hour, two tops, since she’d seen Liam in her quarters, now he was emailing her inviting him to his wedding, to another woman, after insisting they were still married? Now she definitely couldn’t sleep.

Grabbing a coffee from the replicator, she made her way out of her room and started walking, hoping she wouldn’t bump into anybody, so that she could be begrudgingly alone with her thoughts.

* * *

Dae’s trip to Sickbay had taken a little longer than he a full day longer. He’d sent word to Leto, then turned himself over to one Dr. William Harding for some facial reconstruction. A reconstructed nose and cheekbone to be exact. It was painful and took some time but damn, had that fight been worth it. He was familiar with Dr. Harding, of course, knowing his name from Intel circles.

Now, Dae emerged from Sickbay looking as good as ever, in his personal opinion. He’d only been smacked once for roaming hands by a nurse, and that was Ophelia. She was a spicy one and a Betazoid to boot. You had to watch them carefully. Dae realized that he needed to watch his hands more carefully too. What would Marla think? She likely would have something to say about that fight too, he realized.

As he strolled along the corridor, that thought made him shake his head. Why was he worried? She was paid. And that was a lie. A big, fat whopper.This ‘thing’ with Marla had left that realm with a whoosh and a bang. Now he had to figure out what to do about it. As he left the lift and moved along towards the Arboretum, so absorbed was he that he didn’t notice the young woman rounding the corner. It was only when he bumped into her fully that he realized she was there. Quick as a wink, he caught her in one arm, the mug of coffee in the other so that neither one spilled to the deck.

“Whoa! Sorry about that.”

“I’m the one who should be sorry,” Camille began. “Not looking where I was goin’ around the corner. Didnae expect tae meet anybody though to be fair as it was so late.”

Dae smiled down at her. “I just got out of Sickbay after a few rounds down in Saturnalia. Hey wait, you’re the hostess from the Nexus aren’t you? I was there last night. Well sort of the night before last now.”

Wriggling free from his catch, Camille smiled back at him. “Ta for catchin’ me, and the coffee,” though I think I should have got somethin’ stronger after the night I had, she added afterwards in her own head.

Trying to remember his name, Camille settled on final realising where she had recognised his face from. “Ahhh, that explains why yer face is so familiar tae me. Good at remembering faces, just not name yet,” she said, trying to sound apologetic.

“How about, as way of apology for runnin’ intae ye, and a thankyou for savin’ me coffee, I buy you a drink the next time yer in the Nexus. Well,” she added as an after thought, “more like tell Eli or Vic when he’s back to put it on me tab and I’ll square them up at the end of the night.”

“It’s Dae,” he said. “Dae Nalas, Chief of Intel.” He was looking at her rather closely. “Rough night? How about we have that drink now?”

“Camille Ross, Hostess at The Nexus Club,” and noticing his look added “newbie tae the ‘base.” Knowing she really shouldn’t go for the drink, but also knowing she wouldn’t be able to go back to her quarters, she agreed. “Only one problem, I’ve no credits on me,” she said, her cheeks blushing a lovely shade of crimson.

Dae’s smiled lingered and he offered her his arm. “Now what sort of gentleman invites a lady out for a drink and expects her to buy her own? If I did that, my mother would slap me. Shall we?”

“I still owe ye from saving me from me own trip tae sickbay,” she replied, indicating him saving the coffee from scalding her arm. With a nod of her head, she agreed with Dae, “lead the way kind sir,” she said, trying to put on her best posh english accent. Really Cami? she asked herself, It was getting late, or rather early into the morning and Camille’s brain had decided to stop working with her mouth.

He tucked her hand in his arm and led her off to the turbolift. “This late, we’ll have to go to one of the late-night places. It’ll be interesting no doubt.”

* * * The Wormhole Bar * * *

Dae led Camille through the doors and the noise level was high, even this late. A few greetings were called out to Dae and a few whistles sent out to Cami. Jono behind the bar waved and called out to Dae.

“Hey how ya doin’ mon? Looks like fortune is smilin’ on ya.”

Dae laughed and shook his head. “Animals, the lot of them.” He led her to a table and held a chair for her.

“Like a true gent, ta,” she said as she sat down in the chair. Assuming he was about to ask her what she wanted from the bar, she asked “a double whiskey please.” Like a true Scotsman, or Scotswoman rather, she could hold her whiskey.

The look Dae gave her was both surprised and approving. “Nick and I should’ve brought you along this evening.” He stopped to laugh. “Not that it would have stopped the fight. Or the facial reconstruction after. But it was a damn good time.” He ordered two double whiskeys and turned back to Camille.

“I’ve seen my fair share of a brawl in me time back home.” She paused remembering a particular skirmish and laughed to herself. “Two grown men fightin’ over a woman, who in the midst of it all, left whey another man.”

In a corner of the bar, a green face turned towards the newest arrivals and the red lips parted in a smile. Seyla leaned over to her companion and said something that made the other woman turn as well. Both laughed and went back to their drinks.

“Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.” Their drinks arrived and as Dae looked up at the waitress, Seyla appeared in his line of vision. “Well well, Camille. I see the local wildlife is out and about tonight.”

Following Dae’s eye line, she spotted a woman with red hair looking their way. “Anybody to be worryin’ about?” She asked, feeling a tad uneasy.

“Not for you. She’s the local madam, to put it bluntly. So unless you plan to hire one of her minions, I doubt you’ll have much to so with her unless she cozies up to you to get a better table at the Nexus.” He raised his glass to touch it to Camille’s. “Here’s to late night, and I hope this settles whatever was nipping at you.”

Raising her glass too, and taking a swig of her whiskey, Camille held back the thought of the name Seyla would have been called back home on earth. “I doubt anything could settle what I saw tonight. But a message I received before I came out, and this,” she indicated to her glass, “should do the trick in letting me have some rest before my next shift.”

“Good. And remember, you’re on 900, if you need anything, there’s tons of people to call for whatever it is. Including friends and that includes me.” He took another sip and smiled to Camille, but he was watching Seyla from the corner of his eye. Camille’s evening might be settling but he had a feeling his was about to get more interesting.

Camille started to feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and couldn’t decide whether it was the fact she was making so many friends here on the base already, or whether it was too early in the morning for her to be handling alcohol in her system.

Either way she decided it was time she made her way back home to bed. “Thanks Dae,” she said sincerely. “It’s good tae know everyone has each other’s backs here. I hope you donnae think I’m being rude by fadin’ out and heading home tae bed. Been an interesting day and need tae be in tip top condition for The Nexus Club. Thanks for the drink though,” she said flashing her signature sweet girl smile at him.

Before that smile could fade, Seyla was in front of their table, smiling. “Good evening,” her gaze on Camille was clearly assessing: was Jackson getting into the hired escort business? This girl was pretty enough. “Commander Nalas, isn’t it? I believe you know me already.”

“I know of you,” Dae replied. “Seyla, meet Camille, the new hostess at the Nexus Club.”

“Nice tae meet ye,” Camille said to Seyla. Turning back to Dae, “I feel bad leavin’ ye, but I’m sure I’ll see ye again in the Nexus. Ta for the drink again, and g’night.” Turning back to Seyla she said “Sorry for the brief meeting Seyla, but I’m not used tae being awake at this time, g’night.” And with a nod towards Dae, recognising his goodnights, she made her way back to her quarters, and finally settled into an alcohol and sleep deprived deep sleep.


Camille Ross
The Nightcap Helped

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Doing A Good Turn

Nightcapus Interruptus


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