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Posted on Fri Jul 15th, 2011 @ 1:50am by Jackson Banning V & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Captain Claudia Drake

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club

Claudia walked into the Nexus bar and took a seat at the table she had sat at the previous day, she looked over to the bar and caught Jackson's eye. She made a letter C with her right hand to let him know she wanted a coffee. A few minutes later he was setting a pot of coffee on her table, "You're very sneaky you know" she said almost absent-mindedly as she lifted the coffee and poured herself a cup, she noticed there was a second cup on the tray, she poured coffee into it as she smiled at him, "Looks like you are joining me."

"Looks like I am." Jackson settled into the chair opposite her and reached for his coffee. "And sneaky how? You should know by now, my dearest Claudia, that I have no need to sneak....well to hide what hell, you got me. What'd I do this time?"

Claudia did not respond for a few moments, but sipped her coffee, she don't know she had asked for it, she hated the stuff deep down. She looked at Jackson, "Eli" was all she said in response.

"Ah yes." Jackson fished a small bottle from his pocket and poured half into Claudia's cup, the rest into his, before putting it away. "Kahlua," he said by way of explanation. "I take it your afternoon pick-me-up arrived and was to your likin'? The tea I meant, not Eli."

Claudia nodded and sipped her coffee, she then put it back on the table, "Keep it coming" she said in reference to his addition, "The drinks were fine thank you. What I want to know is, why have you taken such an interest in this young waif?"

"He's young. And while he doesn't have to be a citizen to be part of the Academy, he wants to be. And Kh'ali required that he have someone here willing to act as a guardian of sorts. Janice and I agreed to do that, since neither of us is about to argue with her. He's a good kid, Claudia. Funny thing, reminds me of a certain professor who took an interest in a Southern boy with a mouth because she decided I might make somethin' of myself one day..." He grinned at her as he reached for his coffee.

"I saw potential," she said as she looked around the room. "And I must say, being a barkeep wasn't exactly what I had in mind Jackson." She patted his head playfully, "He's very young though...much younger emotionally than most I would accept."

" Being a barkeep, as you call it, means I know everything happenin' on this station. There's a method to my madness, darlin'." He placed his mug back on the table and leaned closer to Claudia. "You an' I both know that most cadets who come in would piss themselves if you said boo from a dark corner. They have to have mommy hold their hand on orientation day, and this kid had the balls to give up his whole world and come here on nothin' more than hope. Then," he prodded her arm gently, "he had the guts to stand up to you. Just like I did once."

She stared at him, "Yes, well we shall have to see if he comes to my door crying at 4am when I fail his first essay." she smiled and sipped her coffee and watched as the young man walked into the bar, "Yet another co-incidence," she said in mock shock at Jackson, as she raised an eyebrow, "Mister Ziyad, please joins us," she called over to him.

"You'll never let me live that down, will you?" Jackson muttered as Eli turned in their direction. "And it's his shift, where else would he be?"

At Claudia's call, Eli did indeed change his course and move to their table. His expression was composed, polite as usual. "Good evening, Professor, Jackson. What can I do for you?" He remained standing for the moment.

"I have been considering your request to join Starfleet Academy," she said with a serious tone in her voice, she could see his shoulder instantly tense, "And I suggest you thank Jackson for pleading your case."

Eli slid a glance to Jackson, then back to Claudia. Hope lit his eyes now as he watched her. "I was not aware he had done so, but I am grateful." The beginnings of a smile appeared on his face. "Did it help?"

Claudia sipped her coffee and looked at the young man in silence, from her pocked she pulled out a PADD and handed it to him, "I suggest you read this." she said handing it to him, she saw the confused expression on his face, "It's the Cadet's Handbook." she smiled at him.

Eli reached for the PADD then stopped mid-motion. He blinked as he tried to process what she'd just said and finally a genuine smile lit his features. " Thanks Professor!" He took hold of the pad and held it to his chest tightly. A look passed between him and Jackson, one of gratitude and some silent message. He then turned back to Claudia. "I'll get on this as soon as I finish work, I promise."

Claudia looked at him and then at Jackson, "I would suggest that you spend the next day reading that. We shall be starting the day after tomorrow."

Eli blinked in surprise and looked to Jackson. Jackson simply gave a nod, as some silent communication passed between them. Eli nodded and addressed Claudia once more. "Thank you for your faith in me Professor. It seems I have the rest of the day and tomorrow off. To study." He smiled and without another word, hurried from the bar, leaving Jackson to face Claudia.

"Well, that's settled. More kahlua sweetheart?" He raised the small carafe.

Claudia nodded and pushed her cup towards Jackson, "Don't be tight."


Professor Claudia Drake
Semi-Professional Alcoholic

Jackson Banning
Club Owner & Snake Charmer
The Nexus Club

Eli Ziyad
Brand Spanking New Cadet


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