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It's Not a Table, It's Grand Central, Part 2

Posted on Fri Jul 15th, 2011 @ 6:46am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & & Jackson Banning V & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi
Edited on on Wed Aug 17th, 2011 @ 5:42pm

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Nexus Club

"Well, well, look who came back. Oz." Jackson nodded, then smiled to Connor. "Good to have you in, Connor, we don't see enough of you. I was just sayin' to Oz yesterday how you two could use a night out. If you'd like a better table, say the word, Janice is about to start her set."

Connor forced a smile back. His concern about what Oralia had been trying to say to him was steadily growing. And Jackson's presence only added in another element to that concern. "Kind of you to offer", he said politely.

"Jackson, it's always good to see you." Delighted to see Jackson, Oralia touched his hand and indicated the wine bottle Drake had just left at the table. "Professor Drake left this for us. I've already had two glasses and opening this would be... foolish at this point; could we leave it with you?"

Connor shifted in his seat, running a hand down his mouth and chin as he looked away from the exchange.

"Sure. I hope you enjoy the evening and once Janice is done, maybe you'll join me on stage for a song or three, Connor." Jackson pointed to the stage where a guitar stood on a stand back by the piano. "In the meantime, have fun kiddies." He signaled to Eli to come get the wine and moved off announce Janice.

"Will you go up and play with Jackson?" Oz beamed at Connor. She was taking the chance to move away from the conversation she should be continuing. "I think that'd be wonderful."

He had stiffened at the idea, but when she looked at him the way that she was right then, when her eyes had a hold of his the way that they did, it always warmed him inside in a way he couldn't put into words. His features softening, Connor nodded, and then hesitating, he had to ask... for the concern he felt that something wasn't right hung on to him, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she smiled and finally ate a few bites of the salmon on her plate. Mentally, she was gearing herself up again. She knew she needed to return to this conversation, but that didn't mean she could just blurt out her issue. "Ah... Well. We --! Oh!" She nearly lost her grip on her wine glass as a dark-haired male in Security gold suddenly slid onto the seat next to her.

He smiled and started speaking without giving her a chance to say anything: "Wow, Chief, you make that dress just... woo! Lucky is the guy that you're wearing that for...." He looked at Connor and put a hand out for a handshake, "That'd be you, wouldn't it? I'm Darwin."

"Connor." Facial muscles tightening, he accepted the man's hand with a strong grip, squeezing a bit too hard, not releasing it for a few beats.

Darwin winced but held his smile as he took his hand back. "Good hand strength there, mate," he mocked Connor's accent.

Dismayed, Oralia glanced at Darwin then Connor. With a hand, she made Darwin give her some space back, then, in a chilly tone, said, "Lieutenant Darwin, are you here to interrupt my dinner for a specific reason?"

"Oh, yeah, I am! Gilroy told me to bring you this," he pulled a data chip out and handed it to her. "Said something about it being just the thing you'd need tonight."

Accepting the chip, Oralia frowned. "Great. Tell him thanks." When Darwin sat for a moment longer and looked about to start conversation with Connor, Oralia cleared her throat and added, "That 'thanks' should be delivered right now, Mr. Darwin."

"Hmm?" Darwin smiled at her then, slightly late, got the message, "Oh! Okay. Carry on with your evening!" He hopped up and disappeared into the crowd.

Mildly frustrated, Oralia turned to Connor with a bemused smile on her lips. "Where were we?"

"There's something you have been trying to say to me about us, but you really don't want to, with every chance of a diversion you take it, Oralia.." He rubbed his hands down his face, she was scaring the hell out of him. "If you want to break up..."

Shock registered on her face and she said, "Oh my gosh!" Her tone sounded horrified but then, as she said, "Oh my gosh!" again, her tone changed to one of disbelief and delight. Suddenly, she was out of her seat and heading for a black-haired male. A second later, she'd wrapped her arms around him and he had enveloped her in a bear hug. Whatever words the two said to each other were lost in the sounds of Janice's performance and the conversational din of the other patrons; whatever they said, it was obvious Oz was thrilled to see the man.

"C'mon!" As she grabbed the man's hand and pulled him along towards Connor, her voice became audible again. "I can't believe you're here! You'll have to tell me all about how you managed it," she pushed the man into the seat she'd just vacated and very happily sat next to Connor. His expression gave her a moment's pause but then she said, "Connor, this is Chance --"

"Conradi," he hurriedly interrupted Oz, glancing at her and nodding, "Chance Conradi." He gave Connor the once-over, almost looking like a father might when assessing his daughter's boyfriend; in that moment, it was obvious he was younger than he first appeared. He extended a hand, "Dr. McKinney, I've heard an awful lot about you."

Connor accepted his hand, at first not saying a word. He had been sitting there feeling a pain he had never felt before, with the knowledge that he needed to shift his attention elsewhere or perhaps he would actually act out for once on the violent thoughts that could come. With the impulse to get up and leave, his eyes darted between them. Something held him back.

"Conradi...?", he continued to look between them.


"Look, I didn't wanna come here as Cadet Zeferino, okay?" The man sounded vaguely defensive. "I mean... nothing like being the little brother," a misnomer, considering he was taller and broader than his 'big' sister, "...of the Starbase's Security Chief to make it tough to get into any interesting situations." He shrugged, a gesture so much like Oralia's that the family tie couldn't be mistaken.

"Does Mom know?"

"Not exactly." The admission had both of them laughing.

Relief washed over Connor, and a smile grew on his face, "Is this what you have been trying to tell me, Oralia?", and he shook the younger man's hand again. "Pleasure to meet you, cobber. I have heard many stories about you too, although I don't remember half of them, or so I've been told."

She shook her head, her smile fading slightly, "No, I didn't know Chance was coming to SB900."

Connor looked back to her, revealing his confusion in the way his brows knitted together.

Shrewdly, Chance sized up his sister, particularly where her hand rested on Connor's thigh, then Connor and blurted, "You two are dating! Ozzle! Way to keep a secret there. You might want to keep it that way, or else Mom'll be out here trying to plan a wedding and knitting booties." He expertly avoided Oz's tossed napkin and grinned at Connor. "Even better, datin' the doctor who saved your life. Man, Dad couldn't pick this one apart even if he wanted to - which he will; he always does."

Facepalming, Oralia took a breath and blew it out slowly. After a moment, she raised her head, caught Connor's gaze briefly then looked at her brother. "What's even worse, Chance? I wanted to have a nice quiet dinner with Connor so that I could ask him one simple thing."

Raising a brow, Chance prompted her, "And what's keeping you from doing that?"

"People like you!" She shot her brother an impatient look. "One interruption after another and all I what to know is whether Connor is absolutely certain he'd be okay living with Iggy!"


Connor stared back at her in a way that spoke volumes about how he felt about her, "She wants her pet spider to move in with me. Does that mean you have to come along? A package deal?" he asked her.

"Move in with you? Gods no!" She grimaced. "I have the department head quarters, Dr. Assistant. I meant you moving in with Iggy."

"What you want is a live in cook," he teased, standing up. Grabbing her hands he pulled her up to him, and ignoring the room, kissed her.

Sitting at their table, Chance casually picked up Oralia's wine glass, sipped from it and glanced around the room. He grinned, knowing exactly how he'd get out of Mom's Doghouse when she found out he'd (1) taken her last name and (2) begged Uncle Greg to get him transferred to the Academy Extension out in the Delta Quadrant: he'd sic Mom on Oralia and her now-live-in-boyfriend.

Oralia Zeferino

Connor McKinney

Chance Conradi

Michael Darwin

Jackson Banning V


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