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Urges and Distractions

Posted on Fri Jul 15th, 2011 @ 6:17pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino &

Mission: In Our Time of Need

Chance moved along with the couple, casually following his sister and her boyfriend back to her quarters. He had so much to tell her and so much to ask her. One reason Uncle Greg had agreed to send him out here was her injuries. The extent of them and that the family had nearly lost their baby girl (not to mention Uncle Greg's near-loss of the love of his life, Adara), convinced Greg to send Chance out to the Delta Quadrant.

With a good hold of Oralia's hand, Connor slowed down, turning to Chance. He looked at him, pausing for a moment, "Um... just so we're clear, mate, you can have breakfast with her, but... right now?", he smiled, "Not so bonza..."

Looking at Connor then beyond him to Oralia, who was smiling and waving bye-bye to him, Chance nodded and said, "Aah... yeah, shoulda gotten that message. Well, then, good night, you two. Ozzle, um... contact me when you have a minute." He headed away and chuckled as he heard Oralia playfully chide Connor: "Gosh, you'd think you wanna be alone with me or something."

* * *Oralia's Quarters* * *

Looking into Iggy's terrarium, Oralia released a cricket and murmured, "There ya go, dear little Iggy. Dinner." She sighed and turned towards Connor, "I don't think she's been talking to Li lately. She seems to have returned to 'normal'." She emphasized 'normal' with air quotes.

Having hung up his jacket, Connor walked up behind her, running his hands up her back, and over her shoulders, taking the straps of her dress down as he continued caressing down her arms. "You scared me tonight", he said quietly, leaning into her.

"Can you believe what a Grand Central Terminal we were?" She leaned back, putting her head on his shoulder. "I didn't mean to scare you, hon. I thought we'd have a quiet dinner, listen to the music, and have a chance to talk," she let her dress fall to the floor, laughed and added, " know, with clothes on."

He followed his hand back up her arm, always loving the soft feel of her skin, and the way her body reacted when he touched her like this. "I had something I was going to yarn to you about tonight, too", he said, gently turning her around to face him. "I have a decision I need to make, 'n' I really need..your input."

"What decision?" She briefly wondered if he was going to reconsider moving in, as if she couldn't have told what his answer was when he'd kissed her in the Nexus Club.

He reached up, sliding his fingers into her hair, releasing the hair clip allowing her hair to fall around her shoulders. His eyes finally laid on hers, "Terrell Kona has been reassigned. I have been offered the CMO position," he said, his jaw tightening.

An initial rush of happiness for him ran through her but she held it back and asked, "Is that what you want? Wouldn't the position be more admin work and less surgical work?"

"Yes", he mouthed, his lips pressing together. He rubbed her shoulders before pulling away and walking over to the couch to sit on it.

Normally, Oralia would have followed him, straddled his lap and worked to seduce him out of his stress. Tonight, though, she strolled off to her bedroom, talking as she went, "Is that a 'yes' to that's what you want or a 'yes' to more admin work?" A third possibility came to her as she kicked off her shoes and reached for flannel pajamas, "Or a 'yes' to both?"

His arm was suddenly along side hers, his hand covering her hand as she gripped the flannel pjs, "What's going on, Oralia?" he whispered as he placed his face against hers.

He'd crept up on her and gave her a start. "Going on?" she parroted back at him, "I'm not sure what you mean, hon."

"These...", he said, grabbing the pjs, "are not you. Something is wrong..", and began to prove his point: his arms going around her, he cupped her breast, and caressed his lips along her neck as he pulled her back to him.

Finding comfort in his embrace, Oralia didn't pull away. But she also didn't light on fire or, really, react to his efforts to arouse her in any way. Instead, she argued: "But those are me, Connor; they're my favorite PJs. Comfy, warm...." She wriggled around to face him and put her arms around his neck. She kissed him briefly then said, "Unless you're saying I'm not warm."

"Oh quite the contrary" he said, gazing down at her, "you're very warm.." and his hands moved down to her behind, one continuing further, "But not aroused. Is it me?"

"You? Oh, Connor, no," she caught his straying hand. "I ask you to move in and you're already questioning whether I want you? Aren't we a strange couple?" She started to pull away from him, but when he tightened his arms around her, she stopped. "I don't know, Connor; it's not you, but... yeah, lately, I haven't had much passion. I'm probably just tired from the transfer and taking over a department."

"Do you want my professional opinion?", he asked, obviously not excepting her explanation.

"Spill it, Doctor," she smiled up at him; she wasn't very concerned about her chilly libido.

"The crystal no longer has its hold." He brought his hands up to caress the sides of her face, "It's time for Oralia Zeferino to be her natural self."

At first, her brow furrowed. What crystal?, she thought before realization dawned. "Iggy's not talking to Li because she can't anymore.... These quarters must be outside the crystal's range. And that means that Rhys' manipulations are... oh, hey, I'm still on that depressant, Connor."

"Suppressant", he corrected and released her. With a determined expression he grabbed her hand, pulling her out into the living area where he proceeded to snatch up her dress.

As he handed her the dress, she looked at it, at him, then donned the dress. But when he started to pull her toward the door, she resisted and went back for her shoes. She didn't have to ask where they were going; she'd been putting off his advances for over a week, citing being tired or having work to do or just wanting to cuddle. Even now, truth be told, she didn't want to go to Sickbay. She would have been just fine cuddling till they fell asleep. "Oh, hey, what about the CMO position? Do you want an admin position?"

Reaching out for her hand, he paused at her question, "I don't know..." he looked really perplexed, and impatient. "I have to think about it. Right now, Oralia, I have something else on my mind", he smiled. Biting his bottom lip, he rushed her out the door with him.


Chance Conradi
A Chance Distraction

Oralia Zeferino
The Main Distraction

Connor McKinney
A Distracted Man


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