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While the Klingon Disappears

Posted on Thu Sep 22nd, 2011 @ 6:57pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & & Jackson Banning V & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Janice Gree

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Lounge
Timeline: Concurrent With 'While The Klingon Disappears'

Sitting near the bar where Eli was idly wiping a towel around in a circle on the bar top, Chance watched his sister head off as part of the Speaker's entourage. They disappeared from sight and he swung his gaze back to his sister's bunkmate: Connor McKinney. He could see why she liked him: dark hair, handsome, but... a little pouty, too. Chance frowned then picked up his glass and sauntered over to where Connor was sitting. "Hey, there Mr. Oz," he grinned and flopped into a seat next to the man.

Connor had been trying hard to let go of the feelings that rose in him at Oralia's words. Trying to convince himself how much he was overreacting while feeling she still was no near ready for the same type of commitment he was. So much progress but then some things just never seem to get better. Looking at his virgin drink, he thought of something stronger as Chance sat next to him.

His eyes rolled over to the cadet, "Chance...", he acknowledged, and then inhaling deeply, he stared back at his glass before swallowing down it's remains.

The cadet stayed silent for a moment, trying to get a feel for Connor. Definitely not happy, Chance decided and cleared his throat. "How'd she put her foot in it this time?", he asked.

Connor uncomfortably leaned back in his chair, angling his head as he studied Chance. He wondered why he would have such a regard for his sister. "This time?" he asked.

"Ha," Chance chuckled and grinned widely. He looked around the Nexus, let his gaze linger on Eli then swung back to Connor. "C'mon, she's my sister. I've a little bit of experience with her social ineptness. There's times when she's brought conversations to crashing halts with one of her less-than-thoughtful comments." He chuckled again and sipped his wine, shaking his head. "And she never seems to notice."

Making eye contact with Connor, he shrugged one shoulder and added, "With your long face, I'm guessing she's the cause." He waited for Connor to contradict him.

Connor looked away, slightly nodding. "Yeah", he said. He had seen that side of Oralia many times. Yet there were many times she would know just what to say, or what to do, to ease a situation... Although he held some understanding, there was some doubt there in the background... "It's nothing to concern yourself, Chance", he said firmly.

Looking Connor over again, Chance polished off his wine. "'kay. She can be... well," he shrugged and shifted his comment, "Mom likes you. Dad has reserved judgment." He smiled.

One corner of Connor's mouth raised, his face coloring, "I feel lucky considering how we met."

"Yeah," Chance nodded. "I suppose so. I suppose I should apologize; Mom called because I told her Oz had big news."

Even in telling himself Chance meant no harm, Connor stared back at him, his look intense, and he slightly nodded, his tone edgy, "Yes, you should. There's a fine line, Chance, between fam obligation 'n' obliging yourself into your sister's bizzo where you don't belong."

For a second, Chance paused and eyed Connor with a hard look. He was just about to fire back with a scathing comment when Eli appeared.

* * *

Over at the bar, Jackson poured up a deep blue liquid into three glasses, passing two to Eli and Norval and keeping the third for himself. He took a sip and gave a satisfied sigh.

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about. Gentlemen, congrats on a successful evening." He raised his glass in a toast, and his gaze drifted to the table that held Chance and Connor. Noting the flush on Connor's face, he looked back to Eli. "You feel like rescuin' Connor? He doesn't look too thrilled with the conversation."

Eli lifted his drink and nodded. "I'm on it." He left the bar and moved off towards the table. Once he reached it, he rested a hand on Chance's shoulder. "Hello, Dr. McKinney. I thought you might like a little something now that all the excitement is over." He placed the blue drink before Connor.

Connor pulled his eyes away from Chance's, and stared down at the drink, "Thank you," he said quietly.

"Hey, babe," Chance smiled up at Eli. "The night seemed to go well."

Looking between the two, Connor grabbed the drink as he slid out of his seat. Nodding at Eli, he left the table and headed over to the bar. As his eyes laid on Jackson, he averted himself over to the stage, sipping his drink, and then once again, before placing it down on the piano. He wanted to just leave the place, but the plan was he would wait there until he heard from Oralia. So he grabbed the guitar, an acoustic guitar, and sat down halfway on a nearby stool, and began looking it over.

"You're welcome Doctor...." Eli watched Connor go, then turned back to Chance. "I think it did. We had no trouble so Kh'ali's probably thanking her lucky stars right now. What did you say to the Doc?"

Blowing out a breath, Chance watched as Connor toyed with the guitar. "I think it was actually something Oz said to him. Maybe I compounded it, I dunno," he lifted a shoulder in a shrug. "You free yet?"

"In a few yes. Vic and the girls will handle the late night crowd, and Jackson promised Kh'ali and Dobry he wouldn't have me work late. Let me check in, then I'm all yours." He fell silent, a thoughtful expression appearing on his face. Moments later, he smiled. "Ready when you are." Chance laughed and grabbed Eli's hand to pull him out of the Nexus.

Finishing off his drink, Connor winced hard, swaying a bit, feeling the ale's effects immediately within his sinuses. He positioned the guitar, and tuning out the room, closed his eyes and began a slow strum, easing into a relaxing song.

Jackson sipped his drink, then placed the decanter on the bar. His attention was on Connor, but his words to Norval. "You know, Norv, if that black cloud over his head got any bigger, it'd start rainin' onstage."

Norval took a draught from his glass, nodding in agreement with Jackson Banning. He took an appraising look at the doctor up on stage, though Connor himself seemed to be far away from the Nexus.

"He's got gifts," Norval said, taking another sip. "He can play, he's a fantastic surgeon, and maybe most of all, he's got Oz." A smile tugged at the corner of the Trill's lips, his eyes still locked on Connor. "You wonder what brings a guy like that down."

"Yeah, I was wonderin' that myself. But sometimes things don't work if yer not too happy with yerself. Keep that bottle warm, will ya? I'll be right back."

"I think I can manage that," Norval replied with a bemused smirk before topping off his glass.

Jackson moved off towards the stage, hopping up lightly to take a seat at the piano. Softly, he picked up Connor's tune, playing a relaxed harmonic that blended well with the strains from the guitar.

The piano slowly brought Connor back, and his fingers still working the guitar strings he opened his eyes to stare at Jackson. Piano and guitar duets were never easy, the piano tended to drown out the guitar, yet Jackson managed to work it, causing Connor to purposely fade out and back in as the two instruments continued to compliment each other.

Jackson gave him a casual smile as his fingers moved over the piano keys, remaining silent so as not to break the spell. Whatever Connor needed to work through, he was not about to interrupt.

Several moments went by, and the song came to a slow ending. Reopening his eyes again, wanting to continue, Connor nodded over at Jackson, the look of expectation in his eyes, "Your turn."

"Hey Norval," Jackson called out. "Come sit in on bass and bring that bottle will ya?" He began to play again, the tune this time a smooth smoky jazz. "How's that?"

Connor smiled, raising both eyebrows as he nodded in approval...and he closed his eyes and listened to the notes.

Norval half-froze. Unusual for him, but he was busy having an inward conversation.

Which one of you knows how to play the bass? he surveyed his previous hosts.

I, err, took lessons as a child, but...

Norval cut off Coran. Gonna hafta do! the current host declared, draining his glass and scooping up the bottle. He made his way to the stage, tentatively accepting the instrument, strumming out a practice chord or two before making the attempt to catch up to his two infinitely more accomplished partners.

At least there's booze! he thought.

"Sweet," Jackson commented as they found their groove and continued to play. A murmur of appreciation rose among the few still present.

Appreciating the atmosphere, his drink having been tapped, and the tension from earlier far gone, Connor managed to hear his combadge, =^=Doctor Connor McKinney, Oz here. A situation came up but... I think I'm just about to head home=^=. He stopped playing, laying down the guitar as he almost stumbled off the stage, and he slowly reached up to tap on his badge,"Yeah...okay..", he said, his eyes wide.

Without missing a beat, Jackson motioned with one hand to a passing waiter, who helped steady Connor. "Careful, Dr. McKinney. You need a walk home?"

Regarding him sideways with a lopsided grin, he patted the man on the shoulder, "No thankyou, Cobber." Running his hand roughly over his mouth, with a look of determination, he headed out of the lounge.

Jackson watched him go, then turned back to give Norval a nod. They glided through the tune, finally winding down to the end. A smattering of applause rose from the few patrons still present as the two men retired to the bar, along with the decanter. Once the glasses were filled, Jackson spoke.

"Norval, you ever think about the one that got away?"

"All eight of them," the Trill admitted, sinking onto a stool with glass in hand. He stared wistfully out the viewport a moment, absently swirling the sapphire liquid in his glass. He let loose a laugh, perhaps slightly more at the irony of the situation than any actual enjoyment. "I danced with mine tonight," he admitted as he drained the glass thoughtlessly and slid it towards Jackson for a refill.

The glasses were duly refilled before Jackson spoke again. "You, sir, are blessed with good taste and some luck. I"m stayin' away from mine." He smiled and took a sip. "Drink up my friend, I know where there's a poker game tonight that can keep us occupied."

Norval tapped his glass to Jackson's. "Poker, huh?" he asked as he sipped. "Yeah, I think we've had enough virtue for one night. Some vice might be just the thing the doctor ordered."

"A man of vision, obviously." Jackson grinned at Norval, put the stopped into the decanter and tucked it under his arm. "Hey Vic, join us when you get off shift, the usual orders stand. We start insistin' we need to go talk to either of 'em, you know what to do."

Vic saluted. "See you all in a half hour."

Norval had no idea what Vic was supposed to do, but he didn't rightly care either as he lifted himself from the bar and cantered after Jackson, waving haphazardly in his inebriated state to the remaining staff as he did.

Jackson Banning V & Norval Tigan
The Boys Are Back

Eli Ziyad
Victim Of Witchcraft

Lt. Connor McKinney
Finding A Groove

Chance Conradi
Crafty Fellow


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