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Taking Back The Team - Part III

Posted on Wed Feb 10th, 2016 @ 11:44am by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Lieutenant Bryce Kendrick & Warrant Officer Awf & Ignatius Reilly & Major Patrick Smith & Commander Sakkath

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Planet 6584

* Meanwhile *

Oh, I am so going to bite that ass..., Iggy announced across the web of the hive mind. She was shaking off the effects of the gas the Marines had hit her with - doing so was all thanks to the nanites in her bloodstream. Already, the little bugs were regrowing her missing leg. Shuffling through the snow, slowly at first, Ignatius literally shook herself and picked up her speed. This time, she didn’t announce her target: the closest transport left by the Marines as they stormed towards the cube.

Suddenly, from behind her, a hand reached down and scooped her up. Augh!, she screamed, but then the hive mind assured her: Your drone. You assimilated this one, One of Seven. He moves faster than you. It was the Marine she’d bitten several minutes ago; the nanites had spread through him, converting him to their purpose. At a run, the new drone carried Ignatius (Drone One of Seven) to her destination. Once there, she disappeared under the ship’s console and, after a moment, announced, Score! I have completed my mission: this transport is now being assimilated. She wasn’t careful in her announcement and broadcast that to Nico as well as to the hive mind.

Deep within the cube, Nico caught the message and gave a low whistle. “Iggy has assimilated one of the smaller ships.” He tapped his com badge to inform Gilroy and Sakkath outside, then turned back to Awf and Jackson. “Let’s get these two out of here and get to them.”

“Gotcha.” Jackson primed his weapon and with Awf and Nico, stepped forward.

The drones that were Bryce and Patrick at first ignored them as they continued to repair a panel before them. A shot to the chest from Nico’s phaser rifle took Patrick down.

“I’ll get him tagged, you two deal with Bryce,” he ordered.

While there might have been the slightest hesitation, it wasn't actually noticeable at first, and instead Awf raised his weapon again, releasing a powerful bolt of energy that was modulated on one of his random frequencies. He couldn't bear to do this, and perhaps only was able to get through it by telling himself he was doing the other a favor. Still, externally, he executed the action efficiently like a cold blooded killer.

No matter if it was a simple tagging or not, it didn't feel right even to use this level of force against a friend.

“Good shot,” Nico complimented him. “Now, just to tag them and get the hell out of here.”

* Outside The Cube *

Once out of the cube, Gilroy paused a moment till the transport chief, still tracking arachnid life signs, spoke up and told them which way to go. He signaled to Sakkath and headed off at a run. Through the snow, a run wasn’t easy, though this area had been tramped down by both Borg and Marines. Up ahead, Gilroy could see a figure in the snow: a Marine, moving slowly and moving towards one of the transports.

The chief spoke up: =^=For a spider in the snow, even one with Borg tech, it’s moving awfully fast, Gilroy!=^=

“I think I know why. And she’s a she, not an it,” he replied and fired on the Marine.

The Marine turned and returned fire. It was Borg weaponry, confirming Gilroy’s hunch. Surrender to us! We will assimilate you! Ignatius crowed at them. Onward, my Marine minion! Get me close so that I can bite them!

“Shit,” Gilroy cursed and dropped to the snow as the Marine ‘minion’ started trudging towards him and Sakkath while laying down a steady stream of fire. “Iggy! Stop it!”

Iggy… The thought came from Nico. You must stop this now!

But you are my friends and family. I want you with me, where we can always talk and be one. Resistance is futile! As if to punctuate her statement, the Marine started firing again. Gilroy returned fire, but was aware that the Borg shielding would deflect most of his shots and also that any direct to hit Iggy would likely kill her.

This is not the finally have your own free will, this will take it from you…

“That Marine is slowing down!” Sakkath took careful aim, so as not to catch Iggy in the cross-fire, and pressed the trigger of his rifle. The energy beam shot out but the Marine drone had adapted and his shield deflected it. He dropped Iggy and raised his arm with blinding speed. The shot was true and Sakkath dropped to the snow.

Gilroy shouted, “Sakkath!”, and quickly went to him to search for a pulse. The Marine fired on him, keeping him from getting there. “Iggy! Your Marine...” he didn’t finish his statement; he turned and fired on the Marine, finally breaking through the drone’s shielding and taking him down. He rushed forward and grabbed Ignatius by the cannon on her back. “Chief, beam me up!”

As Gilroy and Iggy faded from sight, a drone appeared from around the corner of the cube. He was moving at a fast clip, having been alerted by Ignatius’ shouts. He crossed the snow and knelt down by the prone figure of Sakkath. In the confusion of the pitched battle, he went unnoticed for the moment, intent on claiming that ship the arachnid had assimilated. It still appeared normal on the outside but he was already connected to the nanites within. He paused, sending instructions over the hive mind, those that remained, and suddenly he faded in a brief splash of green, taking Sakkath’s body with him. Moments later, the small Marine ship lifted off and vanished into the upper atmosphere.

Back inside the cube Nico, who’d been monitoring Gilroy and Sakkath suddenly cried aloud and grabbed the sides of his head. “Noooooo….gone….gone….gone…” he muttered over and over.

Jackson took hold of him, holding him up. “What is it??”

“Sakkath is gone,” Nico murmured.

“We’ve got the team, it’s time to go.” Jackson tapped his comm badge and ordered the transport, then alerted Quentin. “Initiate transport,” he ordered the Hammond and the three of them faded from view.

To Be Continued...

Ignatius J. Reilly
Lt. Commander Nicolao
Jackson Banning V (LTC)
Warrant Officer Awf
Lt. Gilroy
Commander Sakkath
Lt. Bryce Kendrick
Major Patrick Smith


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