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Khali's Detour

Posted on Sun Sep 18th, 2011 @ 6:04am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Timeline: Following 'A Night At The Nexus - Conclusion'

Kh'ali breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped out of the Nexus club with the Speaker, followed by his guards, Oz and two of her men. The evening had gone surprisingly well, and she had to thank the crew of the station. They'd been out in force, and visible enough that any who might have intended trouble had been convinced otherwise. She could feel the knot of tension between her shoulders beginning to unwind.

"I think that went rather well, don't you?" She smiled up at Zee'Hrai.

"Indeed." he smiled back "I haven't felt like this in a long time. Formal meetings... Formal dinners... Too much formality can kill your own self. I have to thank you for this evening."

"We are ready to escort you back to your quarters Speaker." One of the guards intervened as they formed up around them.

"Yes. Of course." He responded with a hint of annoyance in his tone. Then turned again to Kh'ali. "May I spare a couple of my numerous guards to accompany you to your quarters? As it seems the pleasure will be denied to me." he offered.

"If you wish, and thank you." Kh'ali gave the Speaker a low curtsy as would be expected of a female graced with the leader's company. To be truthful, she was not accustomed to being escorted by guards, but it would have been rude to refuse. She was also not thrilled with leaving him to be taken back to his quarters without her accompanying him, but the guards were making it clear that is exactly what was going to happen. At least Oz would be there in case of trouble. "The pleasure of the evening was mine. I wish you goodnight and we will speak again tomorrow."

"I'm looking forward to it... Kh'ali." He answered, uncertain for an instant about returning to proper formalities dictated by role and rank. He then made a gesture towards one of his soldiers "Corporal. Please accompany this lady to her room."

The soldier nodded sharply and stepped forward giving an order in Divitian language and another one took position at her side. The corporal gently gestured toward the corridor "Shall we, ma'am?"

Kh'ali smiled at his hesitant use of her first name. Despite his position, and all she'd heard about the Divitians, she had to admit she found him to be surprisingly pleasant company. Even so, it was something of a relief that they were parting ways here, thus avoiding any awkwardness at her door.

"Goodnight Speaker." She was not about to address him informally in front of his guards. "I'll see you tomorrow Oz." Turning to the two soldiers at her side she nodded and began to walk the opposite direction on the Promenade.

Oz acknowledged Kh'ali's statement with a brief wave of her fingers and a nod. "Speaker, my staff has cleared the way back to your quarters," she gestured towards the start of that path and fell into step with the Speaker as he and his guards moved that way.

"I'm admired." Zee'Hrai said to Oralia, "A young woman already department head of Security on such a great starbase, your skill earned you great consideration from your superiors. Still this is a kind of job that sometimes puts you in front of great danger compared to other professions. How your choice came to be? If the question is not too intrusive..."

"That's not intrusive at all," Oralia smiled at the Speaker as they walked along. "I have four brothers, Speaker, so I grew up roughhousing and fighting with them. Security seemed a natural career considering the skills I acquired from them. How does one become a Speaker for Divitia?"

"You do not become one. You're born." Zee'Hrai answered a bitter smile lining his lips. "In my culture the elders decide what it will be of the newborn. All divitian children get a neutral schooling period where the basics of life and social behaviour are taught to them. This lasts from their three to eight years of age. During this period the appointed elders watch them sorting out their inclinations and talents and in the end they will decide the walk of life for each one of them. Some will become workers, some other soldiers, some scientists and so on. Those deemed to be gifted from the start, in terms of empathy, will be Speakers for the People and raised accordingly from that moment on."

Zee'Hrai perceived the commander's perplexity in her prolonged silence "It is not so bad." He added tying to appease her evident doubts: "On one side this attitude gives you a well-defined purpose, removing uncertainty from one's life perspective. On the other hand... Individual attitude has to be surrendered."

They had walked on in silence again before Oz spoke up, "Sounds like... a well regimented society. I'm not sure I would do well under such a regime." She shot the Speaker a smile and noticed one of her officers nod at her as they passed: a subtle acknowledgment that the way ahead was clear. Close as they were to the Speaker's quarters, Oralia started to let herself relax, and realized just how hungry she was.

"I think you're right Commander and not only for yourself for what I've seen of Federation people I'm sure that Divitian model would just not fit. Individual freedom is a strong concept for you. One of those you're never going to renounce. This attitude would make the common divitian frown but I see your culture has accomplished great things even retaining strong individuality."

"Perhaps if we were raised in the Divitian way, we could conform," Oralia assured him, smiling slightly. The two fell silent as they walked. There wasn't far left to go and the doors of the Speaker's quarters came into view quickly.

"It seems we have arrived." Zee'Hrai said as the divitian guards posted at the doors saluted. "Thank you again Commander, for I know that a relaxing evening for me has meant an extra workload for you and your men. I should be safe now. It's time for a well-deserved rest for you."

"Speaker, it's been a pleasure and no bother," Oz, for once, managed a diplomatic answer, "Goodnight." She waited for a moment as the Speaker and his entourage filed into the quarters, then she turned and, dismissing her own minions with a nod, headed back towards the turbolift.

* * *

Kh'ali and her escorts turned down a side corridor that carried them way from the Promenade and towards the habitat ring. The silence grew as they walked along. The turbolift they needed could be seen in the distance and she thought perhaps she could leave them there once she was safely descending to her deck. They could return to the Speaker and she would be left in peace without their hulking presence.

"I can go on alone from here if that is acceptable. I'm hardly a target that needs constant protection, but I appreciate your accompanying me." She looked from one to the other.

The corporal stood, eyes blinking, a little confused by her statement. "The Speaker has clearly asked to have you escorted to your quarters, Ma'am, and we'll see the order fulfilled. It is an honor for us to be protecting the Chief Diplomat of Starbase 900."

Kh'ali sighed as nothing in the words or tone of the soldier suggested anything different than stolid military complying to hierarchy. "and I am honored that he is so considerate." She managed a smile and stepped into the turbolift. The two soldiers followed and they took up positions between her and the lift doors as they began to descend.

***** A few minutes later *****

"I've arrived." Kh'ali smiled to the dour Divitian soldiers once in front of her door.

The Corporal nodded "Our duty here is over. May the stars light your path commander." He added then gave the typical Divitian salute when parting ways.

The doors hissed open and a welcome sensation washed instantly over her Home. At last. The day had been heavy indeed and a little well-deserved rest was in order. Heaving a sigh she started toiling with the necklace clasp behind her neck.

The room was bathed in shadow but after all the shiny light and noise of the Nexus, she found the room low-lights of her liking. The clasp of the heavy necklace finally came loose and she lowered it to the table that held her console. Running a finger over the metal, she sighed. "I promise, Quentin, when I have two moments to myself, we'll sit down and talk."

All she wanted now was to get out of this dress and into something comfortable and relax. Turning towards the small kitchen, a faint glow of white on the coffee table caught her attention. Moving over, she leaned down to look and her breath caught in her throat. It was another lily. Someone had been in here while she was at the Nexus. Again. Straightening up, she reached for her comm badge, not noticing the quick soft steps that whispered behind her. Before she managed to call security, she was hit with a blinding pain to the head.

The floor was cold against her face but it didn't last long for a strong hand yanked her hair and rolled her over. Unable to focus her eyes because of the pain, she emitted a low growl s she struggled to get a hold of her assailant. A heavy fist right in the plexus prevented her from doing anything but gasping for air. She felt, as if from a great distance, her comm badge being ripped from her chest, clinking against the room's corner.

"Normally ladies shouldn't be beaten into submission..." a voice hissed close to her ear. "But you're part Klingon and this makes you lose the advantage of due gallantry."

"Klingon this!" Kh'ali managed to get a breath finally, and spit in her assailant's face. Gathering her strength, she bucked her body beneath the male, but he was bigger and heavier and it was wasted effort. "What do you want?"

"Right in this moment just to snap your neck." he replied his voice coarse with rage "But I need you alive and this numbers you with the lucky ones, for the moment... Don't do that again, kitten, I can always change plans."

"Don't ever call me that again." Kh'ali's voice was a menacing growl and without another word, she turned her head and sank her teeth into his upper arm where he held her own arms immobile.

He grunted with pain whereas others would have screamed, his hold on her becoming even tighter. "You definitely need some...courtesy lessons, that I will have the pleasure to impart in the place we're going now."

Her jaw locked as the taste of blood awakened some primeval instinct in her. The last things she heard were the clicking sound of a pressed button followed by a sudden high pitched sound, air filling with static ...

... And a flash.


Lt. Kh'ali
Stepping Through The Door

Lt. Cmdr. Oralia Zeferino
Walking the Line

Speaker Of Divitia
Exploring the Walk of Life


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