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Wrapping Things Up

Posted on Thu Sep 29th, 2011 @ 7:24am by Lieutenant James Holbridge & Major Maxim Kamarov
Edited on on Thu Sep 29th, 2011 @ 7:30am

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Marine Command Center


The tension in Max Kamarov's office could be cut with a protoplaser, and little wonder. Maxim was about to officially separate Jim Holbridge, his best ace combat flier, from the Marine Fighter Corps. After lengthy consultations with Dr Swift and several of his own people Maxim was convinced that Jim could not fly combat missions anymore. Kamarov had noted that Jim had not logged a single hour in a fighter since the accident that had claimed the life of Lt. "Politician" Leeds. Maxim had his suspicions about Holbridge's wife talking him out of his chosen career, but loneliness will make a man do strange things.

Maxim looked up to see Jim come into his office and sit down into one of the plush chairs. The younger man's eyes were gaunt and sunk into his skull as if Jim wasn't sleeping much. Jim's flight suit was obviously freshly laundered, but the way it hung on his body told Maxim all he needed to know.

Kamarov thrust a padd at Holbridge. "Sign, please," was all he said.

"What am I signing, sir?"

"Transfer to Starfleet," Kamarov said shortly. "Not to put too fine a point on it, but you cannot fly anymore and I have no room for you in this detachment. Captain Smith, Dr. Swift, and others concur that you are no longer capable of performing the duties of an attack pilot. I spoke with the admiral's aide and there is a place open for you in the Tactical department. I am told they want a Marine officer who understands the difference between tactical retreat and outright surrender." Maxim let the barb hang in the thick air.

"Permission to speak freely, sir?" Jim said, barely holding his temper.


"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" Jim exploded, unable to keep his emotions bottled up any longer. "I COST A YOUNG MAN HIS LIFE! That boy will never get the chance to have a serious romance or get married, have children, or anything else because I didn't see the goddamned bomb on my ship! I have to live with that for the rest of my fucking life! Every time I get into the cockpit I see Pol's face staring at me in the rearview mirror! I didn't lose him in combat, I lost him in a fucking training accident!"

"What is your point, captain?" Kamarov demanded.

"What if it had been my family?" Jim asked very quietly.

Maxim rose from his chair and came around his desk to stand in front of his distressed pilot. "Your ex-wife and little ones are alive, Politician is dead. It was his time to go. We all owe a death when we are born. The time we die is written and no amount of anger, begging, fear, or bribery can alter that. A wise man once told me that."

"Who, sir?" Jim asked.

"You, captain," Maxim smiled in a fatherly way. "I approved your transfer to the fleet because I know that you have an understanding of Marine operations and procedures. The admiral needs a good man in Ops, and I know you are it. I also approved the transfer because I am not going to be here much longer."

Jim's eyes widened in shock. "Why not, sir?"

"I was denied promotion to light-colonel for the second time," Maxim explained. "I received my DD-214 in this morning's daily dispatch from the Alpha Quadrant. In thirty days I am no longer a Marine. I told my wife and Captain Fulton, and now you. I am trying to give officers I think are worth a damn good assignments, but I am sure that Xenexian bitch will countermand every order of mine that she can."

"What about Dave Lorenz, sir?"

"Mr. Lorenz is in hot water with Command due to his performance on Divitia Prime. I was directed by General Disosway to 'administratively separate him from service' as of 0800 this morning. When he gets back, he is done."

"Disosway. I have heard that name before and always in reference to the Rangers." Jim said quietly.

"Correct. The general is the commanding officer of the special operations branch of the Corps, or so I have heard. The general got hold of the reports from Divitia Prime and that's all it took. Apparently, Lorenz's men found information the Divitians were trying to hide, then resisted arrest from the local constabulary and arrested the junior intelligence officer assigned to keep an eye on the Fleet contingent." Kamarov looked up at Jim. "Your friend is going to be held responsible for this if it blows up, unless he agrees to quietly resign."

Jim shook his head. "No way will he go quietly. He's a fighter, sir."

"Agreed. I will cross that bridge when I come to it. In the meantime, get your Mickey Mouse in your squadron done so you can move on to you new job! You should also know that I recommended you for promotion. I think you will get it, too. Congratulations. Now get out of my office!" Kamarov smiled at Jim.

"Thank you, major!" Jim smiled as he left the office. I have a purpose again. I'm read he thought.

Major Maxim Kamarov
MARDET CO on his way out


MCPT James Holbridge
Ex-fighter/bomber puke, soon-to-be Strategic Operations Officer.


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