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Land Of Confusion

Posted on Thu Sep 29th, 2011 @ 6:32am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Jackson Banning V

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Oz's Office/Jackson's Office

* * *Security Offices* * *

Oralia nodded in response to her assistant's report and added, "Fine. Stay on it, Lieutenant Chase. According to Science, that might be our best bet in finding our diplomat."

"Aye, Ma'am," Chase replied and headed out to oversee the chroniton scan.

With her office empty of anyone besides her, Oralia glared at her computer console and the schematic of the starbase on it. "C'mon, Kh'ali, where are you?", she muttered at the screen. On the screen, shades of colors shifted, displaying where on the 'base chroniton particles were being detected. Locations of certain personnel were also highlighted - namely, the Speaker and the Admiral. Oz was done taking chances with either of them; she hadn't added to the Speaker's security detail, but she had bulked up the Admiral's. That had been easy, since the Admiral didn't normally have a dedicated detail tailing him.

Just as an area of the 'base turned blue, indicating a high level of chroniton particles, Oz's comm beeped and a voice interrupted her thoughts.

=^= Oz, it's Jackson. There is something we need to discuss, and now. Get over here. =^= His voice was tense, not its usual easygoing cadence.

Her first response to Jackson's tone and wording was to spit back, 'Kiss my ass', but Oralia knew that'd be a bad idea. After the incident with Harrison and his awful cigar, she was wary of drawing any complaints regarding her manners. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Right now? Can it wait till I've put out this fire called 'Kh'ali's missing!'? Could I send one of my minions down?"

=^= Well, sure, I suppose you could if you want me discussin' your personal life with 'em. Maybe they have some insight that Connor and I seem to have missed durin' our discussion this mornin'. =^=

Several moments of silence ensued while Oz tried to understand what Jackson was saying. Whose discussion? Hers with Jackson? Had Jackson and Connor had a discussion? Still trying to puzzle it out, Oz finally answered, "Yeah, let's not discuss my personal life with my minions, k? I'll be there as soon as possible, Jackson." Her head reeled; what personal situation, involving Connor, also involving Jackson, required attention right now?

Passing the duty baton onto Chase, Oralia quickly headed down to the Nexus Club. As she entered, her gaze swept the room, looking for Connor. Not seeing him, she looked for any other clue of what had Jackson's knickers in a twist. "Jackson?" She called out.

Jackson emerged from the back, coffee mug in hand. "Back here." Without another word, he turned and led the way to his office. Once they were inside, he closed and locked the door. "I don't normally order a lady around, but sit down."

"I will not!" Oz looked at the door, wondering what had gotten into Jackson. Hadn't this morning been tempting enough? Now with a locked door between them and any prying eyes.... "What is going on, Jackson?"

"That's my question. What the hell's going on with you and Connor? I normally wouldn't ask since it's none of my business but he's made it my business. He left a bit ago after starting with saying he thought we were seeing each other behind his back, and ending with handing you over to me. So tell me Oz, what did I miss here?" Jackson's blue eyes blazed at her now.

Chance's lecture this morning came back to her.

"If you're playing behind Connor's back, I'll ... I'll call Dad and he'll come tan your hide!"

"What?" Incredulous, Oz shook her head and laughed at Chance. "What are you going on about? I'm not playing around.... Good god, what.... Chance, don't worry, 'kay?"

He'd frowned, obviously unhappy, but had nodded. "'Kay. Just watch what yer doing, Oz."

At the time, she'd bristled at and been confused by his admonishment but now... what was she missing? She sat down and her stomach rolled uncomfortably. This was not a good time for whatever trouble was brewing. "Connor handed me over to you?" Her face scrunched up with confusion and distaste. Anger wasn't too far away. "What did we both miss, Jackson? When I left him this morning, he was snoring away." Only he wasn't, she realized. Had he been awake and had he heard Chance's embellished message? "Just last night, he was happy... didn't seem to have a care in the world." Well, that wasn't entirely true either. She'd been busy hiding her concerns about Kh'ali and her own failure; had his mood changed when she'd come back from the shower? She bit her bottom lip.

"Any reason he should think what he's thinkin'? You talk in your sleep?" He frowned a moment before he continued. "Seriously, Oz, I told him we'd barely seen each other since we got to this station and that is true. I moved aside months ago and I've held to that, though at times it drove me crazy. What made me so mad this mornin' is that he was there talkin' to me instead of to you and I said so. Whatever problems y'all have, it doesn't sound like either of you talks to the other one. And to be brutally honest? I don't think either of you is happy and it has nothin' to do with me. Or does it?"

"I don't talk in my sleep! That I know of...," she grimaced. Standing, she walked towards the door of his office. It didn't move, which was a good thing, and she paced back to the chair. She made the trip a few more times, debating what to say. Making a decision, knowing that it was a breach of Connor's trust, she admitted, "Connor's high maintenance, Jackson. He has OCD and PTSD." She met his eyes and summed it up: "He's moody."

"And I'm not exactly the best at handling that. I'm not good at relationships and it really shows in this one." She sat, heavily, and cradled her head in her hands.

"So why doesn't he trust you? And why didn't he come to you with this? I mean I see you both flingin' yourselves at walls that aren't movin' and neither of you knows what the other's thinkin'. Maybe it's not relationships you two aren't good at, it's..." He muttered and fell silent, walking over to look out the portal.

Oz watched Jackson, curious how he'd end that sentence. When it became apparent he wasn't going to do so, she stood and started pacing again. "Why doesn't he trust me?" She shrugged a shoulder then wrapped her arms around herself. "I don't know. I don't think I've given him cause not to... although... this morning, Chance really botched the delivery of your message. What he passed on was a bit more... personal sounding. More along the 'Jackson said he's there for you, anytime, any reason' type personal. Connor might have overheard that." Chance wasn't the only one able to mangle a message. "Add to that that Connor knows, given half a chance, I'd be in your bed."

Jackson's shoulders tightened at those words. "That explains that then. Why he just handed you over to me. Between that and what I said..." He cut off his sentence with a grumble, despite the thrill that ran through him. It was what he'd been wanting to hear, wasn't it?

Catching how he cut himself off, Oz looked at him then focused on something close to nothing outside the porthole. "What did you say to him?"

Jackson let out a slow breath. When he finally spoke, his voice was husky. "He asked if I could really tell him that I didn't want you. I admitted that I did. I also told him that I'd stepped aside for him way back on the Berkeley and had not pursued you since. But he's not blind, Oz."

Neither was Oz. But she was thoughtless and careless... Just the other night, she had pushed Jackson to an edge; she had known she could, had enjoyed doing so - until Jackson said something, then she had realized she was playing with fire. How had she been pushing Connor to the edge? "Wow. Um. That wasn't quite what I meant to ask, Jackson. What did you say about him 'handing' me over?"

"I sent him home to figure out where he was. Do you know what it feels like to have what you want more'n anything just handed to you? Do you take it? What if the one givin' it up is someone you respect?" He turned back to look at her now.

Her eyes went wide as she met his. "I don't, Jackson," she whispered and swallowed hard. She did, actually. Oralia had had the Chief position on the Starbase just handed to her. She hadn't had a problem taking it. In her case, though, Harrison had been the one giving it up; there hadn't been much respect left there. "I should go... find Connor... and figure out what the hell has a bug up his ...ass," she stood, thinking the office had gotten rather small.

"You two figure out what's what, Oz." His voice was ragged around the edges. Watching her, he took a step closer, then another. "But you know that I --" He stopped and took another step towards her, finally close enough to touch. His fingers brushed her cheek, slipping around to the back of her neck. "You know," he whispered.

His touch and very proximity made it hard to breathe. His lips were close and she insanely wondered how he'd taste. Connor, she reminded herself and put a hand on his chest. "I do. Now unlock the door, please." If she didn't leave now... that locked door offered too many temptations.

So close. Her scent filled him and he closed his eyes, letting it carry him. Janice's words rose in his mind, prodding him, weakening his resolve. Someday, you'll need to stop that. Unless, of course, you like being alone... How was he supposed to get through this? Torn between what he wanted and his own ideals? He mustered every last shred of will he possessed and spoke. "Computer, un--"

"Jackson," Oz stopped him, slid her hand up his chest to his neck and, before her morals strengthened, kissed him.

The kiss sent flames sizzling down his spine, drawing him in helpless and willing. His grip tightened around her, holding her close. How many times had he pictured this? How many times had he had to resist it? How many -- The beep of his office door chime brought reality crashing back in and he jumped as if Oz's fire had scorched him. "Dammit!" Who was it now? The morning from hell was apparently continuing. Jackson cleared his throat, ran a hand over his mouth in case of lipstick. The door chimed once more. "One second!" He yelled.

Stunned by her own stupidity and brashness, as well as by the startling heat between them, Oz presssed the back of her hand to her lips and turned away from the door. Please be anyone but Connor, she silently pleaded.

"Computer unlock the office door," Jackson commanded. An answering beep was heard and the doors slid open.

"Good morning Jackson." Eli took one step in and was immediately hit by the unexpected sight of Oz, and by the emotional currents crackling in the room. "Oh. I'll just be...going...somewhere....anywhere...else..." He blushed a furious red and began to back out of the office.

"Nah, it's okay, what's up?" Jackson actually managed to keep his voice level.

"Umm, our supply shipment is going to be a few hours late. The storms in the passage were a but rough this morning. Nothing serious." He glanced from Jackson to Oz, then back. "Sulan and I will handle it when it gets here."

Jackson's expression clouded for an instant at the mention of Sulan, but he nodded. "Thanks Eli."

"Sure. Sorry to interrupt, Commander." He gave Oz a nervous smile, turned and hurried away down the hall.

Oz took the interruption as a sign to get out. "Ah, Jackson...," she edged past him, not wanting to touch him. If she did, she might not leave. She made eye contact with him and frowned. "It would have to be a telepath, right?"

Jackson ran a hand through his hair and groaned aloud. "He won't say anything to anyone, except me. And that will likely be him telling me to be careful and not get hurt." He shook his head roughly. "Look, Oz. There's nothin' I'd like better than to relock that door, but now's not the time. You know as well as I do that time is coming, but not until you deal with Connor. I'll tell you the same thing I told him. Go home, figure out where you are. Then come find me."

She knew she wouldn't 'come find' him. He was too dangerous, too tempting. Nodding, she said, "Sure will, J," and headed out of his office and out of the Nexus.


Oralia Zeferino
Burning with Confusion

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Fanning The Flame
The Nexus Club


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