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You Did What?

Posted on Sat Nov 5th, 2011 @ 11:27am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Jackson Banning V & Tora Sulan & Janice Gree
Edited on on Sat Nov 5th, 2011 @ 11:57am

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Jackson's Office

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Jackson leaned back in the chair behind his desk and propped his feet up. He had a cup of strong coffee in hand and despite the weirdness of the past few days, life was looking pretty good. He hadn't heard from Natalia yet about the flowers, but no bombs had been delivered, nor any nasty messages telling him to fuck off, so he took that as a good sign. Janice's familiar footsteps sounded as she approached.

"Come on in Jan," he called out.

"Those four cases of Rigellian mead came in," Janice entered his office and started off with business. "Too bad they're all spoiled. Looks like the freight captain forgot to keep them chilled." She stopped her stock inventory to look at Jackson and smiled. "You're looking more relaxed."

"I am. I sent flowers off to Nat, to make up for usual self. She hasn't banned me from Sickbay or ordered me killed, so life is lookin' up. As for that mead, if that came in on the Spiro, let him know we are no longer doin' business with him. That's the fourth time. Screw him."

"I'll let him know but I'd prefer not to screw him, thanks," she replied in a deadpan tone. Moving farther into his office, she took a seat on the edge of his desk. "What was it you did to Natalia?"

"I'm not entirely sure but something I said, or didn't say, seemed to upset her. Honestly, Jan, I've given up figurin' out women anymore. I decided that anytime one of 'em looks unhappy, I'll throw myself on their mercy and hope for the best."

"Now you're getting it, J! Only took you, what... thirty years?" She laughed.

He gave her his best 'go to hell' look, then laughed. "This woulda been so much easier if you'd caved twenty years ago."

"Oh, now you know I'm not that much of a cradle-robber!"

"Hey, I was no kid then." He smiled indulgently, and as he did, his monitor beeped, showing an incoming transmission from Sulan. He pressed the panel but the screen went blank.

"Su? Somethin' wrong with the transmission on your end?"

"Umm, no." She answered in Bajoran, and Jackson took that as a sign she was off her translator on purpose. "I have the visual turned off for....a reason."

"Okay," he switched to her language now and motioned to Jan to come closer. "What's up?"

"I need the night off." Sulan's voice was low as she continued.

Peering around the edge of Jackson's console, Janice caught the blank screen and a tiny notation at the bottom. She couldn't help it: she laughed and cackled, "Oh, honey, I bet you do!"

"Jan!" Sulan's voice spoke again. "It's not exactly what you're thinking. I mean...that didn't happen. I'm going to be moving."

"Moving? Moving where?" Jackson spoke up again. "Su, what's goin' on?" He was concerned now. "And what do you know about this Jan?"

"Just that our lovely Sulan might need a lint brush for her dresses now." She cracked herself up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he frowned. "As usual, women are talking and I have no clue."

"Look, Jackson, Jan. I'll also need a table tonight. I...that is we are celebrating."

Janice stopped laughing. "Celebrating? Wouldn't you be better off doing that in private? Wait... you took him as your mate? Is that what you mean?"

'Yes. Done and done." Sulan's tone turned more serious. "And I had to tell him, Jackson, at least part of it. The part about me."

"Mated? To Who? And you told him...." Jackson grumbled. "How did he take that?"

"Rather stoicially, really. He'll have to know the rest soon enough, though. There's no way around it."

Jackson looked at Janice and mouthed silently. "You knew?"

Janice nodded and gave him a shrug.

He rubbed his temples in slow circles. "Who, Sulan?"

"Kit'rin'e," came her quiet answer.

"Kit'rin'e...." he repeated, trying to place the name. "Who's that?" He looked back at Janice since she seemed so well informed.

Janice filled in at least one blank: "The new Caitian on the station. You know, big, broad, black striped fur?"

Jackson recalled seeing him at the Nexus a few nights ago. "You are mated to a man who arrived, what? Three days ago?" He blinked at the blank screen. "I suppose....Congratulations are in order. As long as you're sure. And we'll have a table for you two tonight. But Su, you and I need to talk about this. When I can see your face."

"Agreed. See you tonight." And just like that, the transmission ended.

Jackson turned back to Jan now. "Has the entire population of this station gone insane?"

"I haven't."

"I didn't think Su had but I'm beginnin' to wonder. I hope she has good insurance." He smiled half-heartedly at the joke.

"Ha... she probably has her employer's plan, which ain't that great," Janice winked at him and scooted off his desk.

He groaned and swatted at her. "You think you are so funny." But his smile grew as he shook his head. "I hope he knows what he's getting into."

"He might not know about the funny business that has you and Su bound up, but... he's a big boy, I'm sure he can handle it."

"I just hope she doesn't wake up in a month and find herself in a situation she isn't happy with because she jumped in too fast. And that she didn't jump in for the wrong reasons."

"Time will tell," Janice replied. "I'm off to add those two to the guest list."

"And I think champagne is in order, too. They are celebrating, we are gonna make sure they have a good night. Thanks, darlin'."

"I'll see to it, J," she tossed over her shoulder as she left his office. And I'll do a bit of research on our friendly Caitian, just in case.

"I suppose I'd better start gettin' ready, gonna be a big night." He rose and closed his office door.


Jackson Banning V
Owner Who Is watching The World Go By
The Nexus Club

Janice Gree
Managing the Crazies
The Nexus Club

Tora Sulan
Challenging Jackson
The Nexus Club


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