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Posted on Tue Jan 17th, 2012 @ 4:00am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Captain qeraQ' & Lieutenant Norval Tigan

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Main Transporter Room

The Divitian retinue paraded quietly to the transporters in very orderly fashion. One squad after another shimmered away to the safety of their flagship Nightsong who had brought them here at the beginning of the unfortunate attempt to save their own world from extinction.

Not very far a small Federation committee beheld the departure preparations in silence: The Admiral and his second, Captain qeraQ', Chief Diplomat Kh'ali and Chief of Security Zeferino.

Admiral Wegener watched the Divitian marching on the transport pads with a strange sensation of heaviness in his heart. They had done everything they could but circumstances and especially, prejudice had prevented them to reach the noble objective of stopping the catastrophe on Divitia Prime.
All they could hope was that the Divitians, resourceful and capable people, would have been able to fend for themselves with their skill and also with that material and knowledge that Federation expedition had provided them in its brief wake on the planet.

At the end of the line, with his elite escort, the Speaker came forward accompanied by his Captain. Zee'Hrai nodded in salute and approached them.

"May the stars watch your path." He said to their address "It seems that the time of parting has finally come for us. Mixed emotions dwell in my heart: sadness for having been unable to fulfill the mission that brought me here and happiness too for having found new friends in people that other cultures in the Jathlin arm regards as strangers."

qeraQ' looked to the Admiral and received a nod, "I wish you luck, Speaker. When I left your planet it it was barely recognizable from what I am told it used to look like, be prepared for that. I hope that the changes the President has made to the Political situation allow you to move forward."

"I hope so Captain qeraQ' " Zee'Hrai answered "All I wish now is to speed up the healing process of Divitia Prime and much influence and power is needed to move the blocks of bureaucrats."

he turned then directly to to Admiral Wegener:

"Maybe my race is too proud and not ready to welcome you. But I do not despair, maybe they need some more time. I've been with you for a while now. For what I've seen I'm sure that the Federation will play an important part in the Arm in the coming years no matter what suspicious neighbors are thinking. It will come a day where everyone will recognize Federation value in the Delta quadrant."

"I hope you're right," Rick replied. "I hope you've seen that we really are here to help, to do good. But, nontheless, rest assured that you will always have friends here. Don't be a stranger."

The talks seemingly done the Speaker turned to his captain nodding as if that was a signal to something. Eyes locked on Ehr'Raal who stiffened visibly without moving.

"C'mon old friend." Zee'Hrai urged him in a whisper "The idea was yours and I've been very glad to accept. Now it is the moment." Nodding him again to come closer.

Clearing his throat the captain took a step forward and positioned in front of Commander Zeferino. He regarded her intently for some moments, for long enough that the Commander had started to wonder if he was attempting to think of an appropriate compliment (or insult), then drew a small velvet pouch from a pocket.

"We..." Ehr'raal started, his voice trailing off almost instantly. He looked again at Zee'Hrai as if searching for help but the Speaker nodded again gently urging him to continue.

Oz also shifted to look at the Speaker but quickly returned her attention to Ehr'raal. She smiled slightly, amused by the Captain's discomfiture.

"We officially recognize your valor, courage and self-abnegation in serving to protect the person of the Speaker. Your gallant action, at the right time, has saved the Speaker's life and thereby countless other lives depending on him. By the powers bestowed upon the Speaker by the Divitian Council we hereby invest you of the Order of the Divitian Rainbow Comet."

The captain brought forth a small jewel from the pouch and appointed it on Oralia's chest. It seemed a small comet indeed and the colors glittering from its tail were really all those known from the light spectrum.

The honor the Speaker, and through him, the Divitians, were bestowing upon her took her breath away. Quickly recovering, she smiled and managed, "Thank you, Captain Ehr'raal. I'm honored."

"I know we've never been on the best of terms but valor is valor nonetheless." Ehr'raal stepped back then and continued "Bear it with honor for only the most valiant Divitian soldiers ever arrive to have such a high distinction." He nodded then and, as stiff as he'd always been, returned to his position behind the Speaker.

"And more." Zee'Hrai smiled to her, "I think you're the only woman being able to sport one in all the quadrant... In all the universe I would dare to say. It's been well-deserved and you have my unending gratitude."

"You are welcome, Speaker Zee'Hrai. And I am pleased to have been of service to you and yours," she said to him then watched as he and his entourage turned toward Commander Kh'ali. Her gaze then dropped to the new jewel on her chest, marveling with pride at it.

When almost all the divitian had left through the transporters Zee'Hrai turned looking at Kh'ali and extended his hand inviting her closer.

"So It's time to get home for me, if I'll be able to find one upon arrival." He smiled bitterly.

Kh'ali glanced to the transporter pad and as Ehr'Raal beamed away, she took Zee'Hrai's hand in defiance of custom, allowing him to draw her away from the group.

"They cannot fault you for your work here, you did exactly as you were charged to do." She paused, looking up at the Speaker. By now she could read him well enough to know there was something on his mind that he wished to say.

He smiled warmly to her statement. "I've never been worried about being faulted myself. My planet is dying. My home, the only home I've ever known even with my wandering life from an embassy to another. Now I realize it."

He paused an instant then as he took Kh'ali's hand in his once more. "I'm grateful for your efforts. Thank to you I've spent some time as I ever desired... As a common man, a few moments free of the heavy shroud of the Speaker... And I do not forget that you were there too trying to protect me in that tragic moment that could have cost my life."

"I knew very well what he was capable of, and what he intended. I couldn't let him, not on my watch." She paused to look down at their joined hands before continuing. "This station has been made better for your presence. Your people are most fortunate to have you. I hope they realize it."

Reaching down in a pocket of his silken robe he took out a small box and light shed from it as Zee'Hrai opened the lid.

Kh'ali looked down at the stone, blinking at its brilliance before he closed the lid. The moment had suddenly left the diplomatic field nad turned personal. For one rare moment, the woman who always knew what to say was struck speechless. She glanced past him to Ricky, qera'Q, and Oz as she gathered her thoughts. Finally she looked up into Zee'Hrai's large, dark eyes and smiled.

Falling back on the traditions of his culture, she curtseyed low before she spoke. "I am greatly honoured, my Speaker. To be considered family is more than I would ever have hoped for and has changed my life this day." The formality done, she smiled. "Now for one of our customs, if you wish?"

"Of course dear. I'm curious."

Kh'ali motioned to one of her staff who stood nearby. They approached, handed Kh'ali arectangular black box, then departed. Kh'ali turned and offered it to Zee'Hrai with a bow.

"From one warrior to another," she said.

"You're tributing me a great honor." He said smiling as he regarded the content of the box "A D'ktahg. For what I've studied of your people. Still you overestimate me. I'm no warrior and, while I greatly appreciate your gift an hold it dear, this weapon destiny is to stay in a display cabinet to be admired and to remember. Are you sure that this is a proper end for this blade?" he smiled almost teasing her.

"There are all sorts of bravery, Zee'Hrai, including flying in the face of tradition for the good of your people, doing what's best for them, whether they know it or not. And giving up the things you want for the greater good." Her answering smile held admiration.

"I think our cultures would greatly benefit from our harmony and I would gladly ask to have you as a Federation ambassador on Divitia Prime. Maybe... One day..."

"Divitia Prime has requested diplomatic relations, perhaps you might consider it. Your continued presence here would be most welcome and a great benefit to your world." Kh'ali paused only a moment. "I can think of none better."

"I would like to.... But Divitia needs me more than ever. Fulfilling part of my mission gaining the help of Federation has brought no good to my planet and all of this because of prejudice and palace intrigue. I have to return home while there is still time and try,with all my strength, to make the difference."

He paused an instant recollecting thoughts. "Who knows, maybe you're right and I'll be the one to return here one day... And if the stars will choose another one I will know that Divitia's bond with Federation is in capable hands until you're here."

Zee'Hrai took her hand in his leaning forward enough to whisper to her ear "And as clumsy or rigid my possible successor can seem to you, help him as you've helped me for none can feel more lost than a Divitian in a such a dynamic reality as Starbase 900."

He left her hand and regaining his countenance he stepped on the transporter pad nodding a salute to the Federaion staff assembled. He looked then to the transporter operator to let him know that he was ready.

The shimmering energy engulfed him as he looked at Kh'ali, raising a hand in a last salute as he faded in the glow.

********* Operations Main Bridge ***********

"The divitian flagship Nightsong is ready to leave. They're asking permission Sir." The ensign said turning to face Lieutenant Tigan.

"Permission granted." Norval responded, observing the great flagship on the screen.

Acting as Ops Commander in Sakkath's absence had left the Trill with his own load of worries and fascination. A thrill got him and Norval wondered, watching the Divitian delegation ready to leave SB900, how his Vulcan superior would have reacted to the situation.

Smiling inwardly he reminded himself that Sakkath's very nature would have kept him quite professional no matter how emotional the moment could be. Still a strange sensation lingered on him, something he couldn't clearly grasp but somewhat bittersweet, akin to... turning the last page of a book.

The Nightsong hovered on the screen as it slowly maneuvered away from the docks, steering to set its course. The engines pulsed of bright orange light as they were brought to full power. A flash and it was gone. An image seen countless times, each time the same and each time very different.


The Speaker Of Divitia

Captain of the Fleet

LT. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt. Commander Oralia Zeferino
Chief Security Officer

Lt. (jg) Norval Tigan
Acting Chief of Operations

VADM Ricky Wegener
Commanding, Starbase 900

Captain qeraQ'
Executive Officer
Starbase 900


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