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One More Miracle - Part Three

Posted on Mon Feb 4th, 2013 @ 5:11pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Commander Sakkath & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Lieutenant Eric Edwards & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi
Edited on on Mon Feb 4th, 2013 @ 7:09pm

Mission: The Struggle Within

Too many cups of coffee had come and gone, and Eli had finally eaten something at Dr. Harding’s urging. He’d sat, and he’d paced, but when Eric and Gilroy suggested he take a break and go for a walk, he had refused. He couldn’t risk being gone at the moment when Sakkath would emerge with (hopefully) good news about Chance. And so, he had finally fallen into a doze as he sat in the corner, his dreams were dreams of Chance alive and well, smiling at him, teasing him, pulling him off to some bit of mischief or the other...

* * *

In another part of the Station, Oralia lay in her bed next to Jackson, wide awake and wishing for sleep. The last time Gilroy had checked in with her, she’d told him to stop doing that. The next time he contacted her, Sakkath had better be done.

“Yer not gonna sleep, we both know that, Oz,” Jackson murmured. “We should watch a movie or somethin’ to take your mind off it till they call.”

"Hmm... I didn't realize you were still awake," she answered.

“Yer too restless an’ to be honest, I can’t sleep either. They gotta be done soon I’m thinkin’.” Jackson sat up and brushed his hair back. “Might as well get dressed.”

“Yeah...,” she sat up and faced him, drawing him in for a kiss. “Before we dress... how about some distraction first?”

A slow smile spread across Jackson’s face. “I could be convinced.”

* * *

Sakkath had completed a second thorough exploration of the Hazari's mind after his first, and was now concluding his third. Whereas the secondary had yielded omissions on the Vulcan's part, the tertiary had not, leaving him satisfied that he had done everything he could. After more than ten hours, the fal-tor-pan of Chance Conradi was complete.

He disentangled his fingers, and by extension his mind, first from the Cadet. In doing so, he released a breath he had not even realized he was holding. Now there was no going back. Chance's katra would acclimate to his previous body or it would not. Sakkath was powerless to influence that.

Next he released the Hazari, whose mind would adapt to the change far more quickly. Knowing that, the Commander opened his eyes and was gratified to see the bonds still in place on the prior host. He strode, slowly but purposefully, towards the portal that separated him from those anxiously awaiting word.

Keying his override, the doors parted. "It is done," he announced simply to all assembled.

Rolling his shoulders, Gilroy nodded at Edwards then stepped out of the small room to contact Oralia. The call was quick - it didn’t need to be long, since her instructions were to contact her only once Sakkath was done. He imagined she was hurrying this way now, though he wasn’t quite sure what she’d meant by the comment that he’d interrupted Jackson’s conviction. Looking slightly confused, he came back into the room with the others and said, “Commander Zeferino has been notified. Commander Sakkath, would you care for an escort back to your quarters?”

Sakkath raised a hand in declining. “That will not be necessary, Lieutenant. I am quite familiar with the way from here.” A prideful thought passed through his mind, knowing a Priestess of Mount Seleya would have been carried off in a litter, but he quashed it beneath other Vulcan sensibilities. He turned his head back towards the ritual chamber. “I believe you and Mister Edwards may escort our guest back to the brig.”

Sakkath’s words brought Will back to attention immediately. “How are they? And Chance? Is he....?” He wanted to know what they were facing before he woke Eli.

“The truth is that I do not know, Doctor. I have done everything I can, but Chance will not immediately be himself. It may take days, weeks or months, if he returns to us at all.” The Vulcan was not yet willing to admit that he had performed his duty adequately, given all that could have gone wrong. “I would caution you to recall that Ambassador Spock spent three months retraining his mind on Vulcan. We are not as well equipped here in the mental disciplines.”

Will nodded, thinking that perhaps they should alert Counselor Swift. He would be needed, both for Chance and for Eli in dealing with Chance’s adjustment. He looked to the sleeping cadet for a few moments, then finally reached over to touch his shoulder.

“Eli? Wake up, it’s done.”

The doctor’s words had the effect of an electrical charge. Eli’s eyes popped open and he was on his feet in an instant, rushing over to Sakkath.

“I have to see him. Please.”

“Eli...” Dr. Harding got to his feet and there was a note of caution in his voice. “It may take a little time for Chance to adjust and get back to being his usual self.”

The warning went right by Eli. “I have to see him.”

“So do I,” Oralia spoke up from the doorway. “Doctor Harding? Could I go in? Or would you rather transfer him to Piper Medical first?”

Eric greeted Commander Zeferino with a nod, but his eyes lingered on Eli, reflecting sadness and concern after hearing Commander Sakkath's warning. To face the prospect of losing Chance twice, with all of this hope built up between, would be about as cruel a fate as the Security officer could imagine.

Will turned to Sakkath at Oz’s question. “Commander Sakkath? I leave it to your judgment.”

"You are welcome to see him, but he may gaze upon you with eyes that do not yet know you. If you are prepared for that, then you may enter." He stepped aside from the doorway, granting them entry, and continued to speak to Doctor Harding.

"Once their visit is complete, it would be best if you performed a thorough examination, then we can see about involving Counselor Swift."

Having walked past Sakkath into the room where the Hazari and Chance lay, Oralia stopped, frowned then turned toward Gilroy and Edwards: “Get him out of here.”

The two officers quickly did so, though the Hazari struggled with them and stopped in front of Eli. “Eli!”, he smiled stupidly.

Eli’s thoughts were already in the room with Chance but hearing his name, he turned back and faced the Hazari. His emotions were so mixed as he watched the man. He finally spoke, his words likely not what anyone expected. “Thank you. For agreeing to do this and letting us get him back.”

Scoffing, Gilroy hauled on the Hazari’s arm and prevented him from answering by doing it for him: “It was less ‘agreeing’ than it was simply adhering to his survival instincts.” He and Edwards took the Hazari out of the room, heading back to the Brig.

Oz, meanwhile, was already in the room and holding Chance’s hand. “Hey, little brother?” He was warm enough; he was breathing and there was a heartbeat. He looked asleep.

The Hazari was immediately dismissed from Eli’s mind as he hurried into the room and stopped on the other side of the bed from Oz. Chance looked so...normal, so alive. The color was back in his face and he looked as he did most mornings when Eli would awake early and turn to find Chance still sleeping.

“He looks...beautiful, Oz.”

“Good genetics,” she mumbled then shot a half-smile at Eli when he looked up at her. She pulled at Chance’s hand. “C’mon, sleeping beauty.”

In response, Chance heaved in a huge breath then muttered, “Five more minutes, mom.” He shifted then winced and cracked open an eye. He quickly shut it. “You’re not Mom.”

“No, Chance. Wake up,” she urged him.

“Everything feels heavy. And I’m hungry. Ice cream; why am I craving ice cream?” His words were slightly slurred and came slowly, but were understandable.

“You always crave ice cream after you’ve ….been asleep.” That was as specific as Eli was going to get in front of Oz. “How’re you feeling?”

Chance cracked open an eye again, then both opened. He looked at Eli and frowned then looked towards Oralia. “Who’s he?”

At what was likely the worst thing imaginable that Chance could have said, Eli froze. His eyes widened as he looked up at Oz. Time and the universe seemed to stop instantly and wait, frozen - as frozen as Eli felt now. Chance didn’t know him! Of all the things that could happen....he fought valiantly to keep his expression neutral as fear and pain engulfed him.

“Ah...,” Oz turned a pained look on Eli, “He’s... Eli, a cadet with you, and your roommate....” She deliberately spoke slowly, hoping that there’d be a spark of recognition. Or, was it possible that some piece was lost?

“I’m a cadet?” He looked at Eli, “Oh, roommates, huh?”

“...and your boyfriend, Chance,” Oz filled in the last piece of what Eli was.

Eli was afraid to move or breathe as he waited for Oz’s last revelation to sink in to Chance’s mind. All he could do was watch in silence.

“I see,” Chance said, sounding more than a little unsure. “Maybe I should sit up now?” He tried and quickly stopped trying.

“Maybe not yet, kiddo,” his sister said, smoothing a hand over his hair.

Eli managed to find his voice. “Dr. Harding wants to give you a full checkup before he sends you home with me. You’ve been through a lot.” So very much, Chance. But it’ll be okay. He sent the thought to Chance out of habit, so used to speaking to him that way.

Chance’s eyes slid over to Oralia and he leaned towards her, “I’m dating a telepath?”

“Chance!” Oz hissed at him. “I’ll tell you all about it. Later.” Why couldn’t he remember? ‘course, he had seemed surprised he was a cadet. How much was missing in there? “Doc?”, she called for Will.

Will stepped into the room and smiled at Chance. “You’re looking much better I must say. Welcome back.”

Eli frowned at Chance’s comment and now, it sunk in just what the doctor had meant with his warning. “I....I can come back if you need to speak with him Doctor H.”

Oralia wasn’t going to keep this quiet, “Chance doesn’t recall Eli, or being a cadet. Think that’ll just take some time to settle in?”

Will nodded slowly. “That’s what Sakkath was getting at, and yes, I agree. His body and mind have been through a severe trauma and it’s going to take some time for things to get back into the right spots, for lack of a better term. As with most memory loss issues, being around familiar places and people and things should help tremendously. Once I’ve checked him over, he can go home. It might be the best place to start.”

“Hey!” This time, when Chance tried to sit up, he was successful; he did it by grabbing hold of Oralia’s uniform jacket and hauling himself up, with her help. “Don’t talk around me! What happened?”

Glancing at Harding for confirmation, Oralia told him, “You were injured, Chance. Pretty seriously.” She grabbed her brother in a fierce hug and buried her face in his neck. “Gods I’m glad you’re back.”

“Oh.” He had more questions but Oralia had already said, ‘Later’, so he held ‘em. He was getting the message though: He’d been more than ‘seriously injured’. Something came to him, a thought, a memory. He was in an office, thrilled to be there, excitedly waiting for something, someone. The room was dimly lit, just the light on the desk illuminated the room. Then he felt pain and fear and... he was dying. Now he was alive and his sister smelled of... what was that on her hair? He couldn’t think of what the scent was, but it was good. It reminded him of their home on Earth.

“Time to get you to Sickbay, Chance,” Oralia said as she extracted herself from his grip. “Eli, wanna go with him?”

“Of course. Are we walking or transporting?”

“I’ve requested that we be transported directly there. Oz, may we speak for a moment?” Will motioned to the open door, then led the way out.

Oralia shot a look at Will then nodded, planted a kiss on Chance’s forehead and followed him out. Chance held onto her hand till she was out of reach. “Eli, right?”, he faced the boy in the room.

Eli nodded, doing his best to keep his composure, at least on the outside. He purposely closed off the mental link he’d opened to Chance. “Yes.” He paused, looking Chance over now and satisfied that he was alright physically, he reached out to touch his hand.

“Do we have another roommate? Iggy somebody?”

“Not really, she’s more of an occasional guest. Iggy is a very large spider, Oz’s pet. Sort of. But she can talk. She also liked to watch know....until I put my foot down and banished her from our bedroom.”

“Wait... not a Voth? Oh, I recall a big ass... ugh, that’s Oz’s pet. Yikes. And we let that into our bedroom?” Chance looked a touch sick. “We’re cadets,” he commented and took in Eli’s face, “I’m in love with you.”

The first hint of hope sprang to life within Eli as he faced Chance. Slowly he nodded and once more reached for Chance’s hand. “I was so afraid I’d never hear those words again.” He bit back the sob that rose in his throat and covered his mouth with his free hand. The last few days were finally beginning to catch up with Eli and they were really just too much.

“C’mere,” Chance pulled Eli into a hug. “It’s okay, kid. I don’t remember you, completely, but that emotion is there.”

“That’s a great start,” Eli whispered. Breathing in Chance’s scent, he realized he smelled different. Like sickbay, medicinal and sterile. What Chance needed was a good hot shower, with his usual soap and a night in their own bed.....He stopped there, realizing he’d once again connected with Chance and the thoughts were flowing to him.

“I’ll take the shower and the bed, alone, for now,” Chance replied to the thoughts in his head. “But, breakfast? We’ll start there?”

“Yes. You need the rest and Doc Harding will likely keep you for a little while. Do you want me to stay in sickbay?”

“Um,” Chance bet that the correct answer was ‘yes’. “Yeah, please. Then we’ll walk back to the quarters together.”

“Alright.” Eli managed a smile and raised Chance’s hand to his lips. “It’s time to go.” He called out for Will, letting him know they were ready.

Moving slow, the newly un-dead Chance Conradi nodded and made as if to get up off the bed. He didn’t quite make it: his legs gave out, weak from days of lack of use. “Okay... maybe walking home is a bit ambitious.”

Eli wrapped an arm around Chance, supporting him. “We’ll stay right here, he’s having us transported.”

Harding peeked in and nodded to the two men. Moments later, the familiar tingle of the transporter overtook them.

Cadet 2nd Class Eli Ziyad

Lt. Commander William Harding, MD

Jackson Banning V

Lt.Commander Oralia Zeferino

Chance Conradi

Commander Sakkath


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