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A Night At The Nexus - Conclusion

Posted on Sat Sep 17th, 2011 @ 9:50am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Leto & Jackson Banning V & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Commander Patrick Leroy & & Major Patrick Smith & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Janice Gree

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club

Back at the table, Kh'ali smiled as Eli continued the song. "He's really coming along well," she commented to Oz. "A month ago, he seemed wary of his own shadow." She turned to the Speaker then. "So, is your evening out what you expected?"

"That and much more." He nodded to Kh'ali in satisfaction. He stood then "Shall we join them Commander?" gesturing to the center of the room where couples formed.

Kh'ali stood and took the Speaker's hand. The sudden flurry of attention from his guards around the table at the touch caused her to smile inwardly. Their attention caused the station's security to pay closer attention as well. Wasn't diplomacy fun? She moved along with him out to the dance floor and as he took her in his arms and they began to dance, she would be willing to bet his Captain was silently gnashing his teeth in frustration.

"Just relax and let the music carry you." She smiled up at the Speaker as up on stage, Eli's song came to an end and he blended it effortlessly into a duet with Janice.

Surprisingly enough, for being so alien in the outlook the Speaker behaved as a skilled dancer placing his right hand on her lower back and his left hand out open inviting hers, bodies at an appropriate distance for dancing.

"This is the basic," he told her smiling. "Being a diplomat forces you to learn many a culture's customs." Then the music got hold of them, leading them as leaves floating in a river.

"You're not here." Zee'Hrai said after a while.

"What?" Kh'ali asked surprised.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. Your dancing is fine, better than mine, but we Speakers aren't chosen only for our ability to 'speak' to the public... It's a knack in understanding, intuition, sort of... Whatever you want to call it. I think you're taken. Oh, I'm not implying personal interest, just... Feeling. Anyway maybe I've talked too much for once."

Kh'ali was momentarily flustered but she covered it quickly. "Not at all, you've nothing to apologize for. And to be honest, I was distracted with concern that I've made you a target. But everything seems just fine and I'm glad you are enjoying yourself." Interesting, she thought. Better to keep this light and friendly.

"Maybe it is I who's making a target of all of you." he replied with a hint of concern in the voice "I wonder how many of the people present here tonight are genuine customers and how many are ready to jump at the slightest trace of threat." He said then changing subject "Anyway I'm grateful for this diversion from our stressful activity of the last days."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Kh'ali smiled up at the Speaker. "And don't worry, I'll be fine. Leave the worrying to me." She fell silent as they continued to dance, the conversation turning to more casual subjects.

From a shadowy corner Index watched the Speaker and the Klingon female dance with a silent grumble. He's much prefer to just take his shot at the Creature and make a run for it. Or creatures, actually, since he didn't much care if the Klingon got caught in the crossfire. Her death would ease things for them considerably, in his opinion. He thought Thumb was becoming a trifle obsessed. But he had his orders and so, he stood, merely observing tonight.

"Excuse me." A tall woman with short brown hair and a figure that caught his eye brushed past him. He watched her walk, appreciating the swing of her hips until she stopped at the bar to talk to a man in some uniform or the other. Pity his time here on the station was growing short, Index thought.

Once at the bar, Nenita stopped to greet Patrick. "Good evening, Captain Smith. I see everyone's on deck tonight for this little shindig. Martini please Vic." She addressed the last to the bartender.

Patrick smiled. "Wasn't planned but I don't mind helping out. All the same it seems you're at the advantage as you know my name." He spun around on his stool to face the bar. "I highly doubt anyone would be stupid enough to try anything here. Besides. There's no way off the base."

"Let's hope you're right, honey," Nenita drawled. She took her martini from Vic and had a sip before offering her hand. "I'm Nenita Quidley, Intelligence."

"A pleasure to meet you," he replied shaking her hand. "And I assure you no-one can make it away from my fly boys."

Nenita looked him up and down and gave him a leisurely smile. "Sure might be fun to try." Raising her glass, she clinked it against his. "Cheers. Better bring another round Vic."

At the Speaker's table, Connor had been sitting quietly, observing the activity the moment the Ambassador and the Speaker had gotten up to dance. His attention turned to Oralia, and he watched her as she studied the room herself. Leaning in towards her, his warm breath on her neck, he said, "Looks like dinner will be late...."

Distracting, he was. Oralia blinked slowly and took a slow breath. "Looks like," she said quietly, "Perhaps when we get back to my quarters, you could heat something up?" She glanced at him; he was already making her warm.

Returning her look, he caught her meaning and started to smile, his face warming as well. Then like a light switch, he stopped, catching her words 'my quarters'. Shifting in his seat, he looked away.

She felt him shift away and started to turn towards him but a voice in her ear stopped her. It was Lt. Darwin, informing her of activity outside the Nexus. Quietly and briefly, she answered back. As she did, she touched Connor's thigh and gave him a small smile before looking out and watching Kh'ali and the Speaker.

Jackson, too, was watching Kh'ali and the Speaker as they danced. So far, so good. No fights had broken out, no one was shooting, nothing had blown looked like the evening was going to go off without a hitch. Standing at the bar, he gave Nenita a wink, then turned back to enjoy the show.


Lt. Connor McKinney
ACMO/Chief Surgeon

Marine Captain Patrick Smith

Lt. (j.g.) Norval Tigan
Acting Chief of Ops

Lt.Cmdr. Oralia Zeferino

Speaker Of Divitia

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lt. (jg) Nenita Quidley
Intelligence Officer

Chance Conradi
Cadet 4th Class

Eli Ziyad
Cadet 4th Class

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Master Of Ceremonies
The Nexus Club


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