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A Night At The Nexus - Part Two

Posted on Thu Sep 8th, 2011 @ 7:34am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & & Jackson Banning V & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Major Patrick Smith & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club

* * The Nexus Club * *

Oz stuttered in protest, but Chance was gone. Instead, her protest fell on Connor. "I did...," she caught Connor's raised eyebrow and paused. "Okay, so maybe our first impressions... your first impression of me, at least, wasn't the greatest. But... well... we've overcome that, haven't we?" She smiled at him.

"Yes," he smiled back, "Although your snoring is just as hard to take..."

"My...? Hey, I thought you didn't have any recollection of our trip."

Connor stopped himself in mid-drink, the point of her statement sinking in, and he leaned forward setting his bottle on the table. He looked over at her, "I didn't..until a moment ago.."

"That's good, right?" She knew it was excellent. Her thoughts had gone in a completely different direction, though, and she found herself wanting to jump into his lap, kiss him and celebrate the small bit of good news. If the Nexus weren't crawling with her subordinates, she just might have done so.

"Yes.. it's good.", he said quietly, leaning forward and looking as caught off guard as he felt. After his reaction to Chance's interruption the one morning in their quarters, he had made the decision to resume his oxygen treatments, having had the first one just that morning. There were times in his memory he thought he had lost forever, and the shuttle ride before the crash was one. The shock wearing off, he looked at her his hand running over his mouth, taking in her expression he wanted to hold her and there was a way he could do that right then, considering where they were.

He glanced over, indicated towards the dance floor, "Would there be time for you to dance just one dance with me?" he asked lifting both eyebrows, looking at her the way he always did when he wanted to do so much more.

"Yes," she nodded and reached for one last sip of wine... only to discover her wine glass was gone. A frown flitted across her lips but she stood and took Connor's hand. "Just remember: I have minions all over this place. Let's keep it appropriate," she whispered then leaned a touch closer, "I might find that hard to do, though."

His mouth raising up into a sly smile, he led her out to the dance floor, quickly slipping an arm around her waist, and intentionally pulling her close to him. Only their body heat between them, he held her hand in his close by their sides. Locking eyes with her, "Is this appropriate enough?" he smiled.

"All too appropriate, babe," she answered and fell into step with his lead. "Of course, if we weren't here, I'd ...," she whispered to him about what she'd do. It was a conversation no one else needed to hear.

* * *

Back at the bar, Eli greeted Norval, saw to his drink, then moved on down the bar. He poured himself some of Jackson's lemonade and took a sip as he idly rubbed his temple. Closing off the thoughts floating in the bar was a relief and the headache began to ebb finally. Or it could be the bourbon laced through the lemonade. Whatever works.

Jackson approached, giving Eli the once over. "What's wrong kiddo? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I sorta heard one, Jackson. I think."

Jackson frowned at that bit of news. "Explain."

After another sip of the lemonade, Eli's color began to return. "I was in the turbolift when this killer pain shot through my head and then I heard --" He stopped as Chance stepped up to the bar.

Chance waved his fingers in a very subtle greeting to Jackson. He had heard Jackson's comment to Eli. "You heard a ghost, Eli?" He frowned.

"Maybe. Someone threatening Commander Hawke but they weren't really here. I know that sounds lame but it's the best way I can describe it. Had this headache ever since. Sorry if I hit you with it, Chance." Eli looked a bit sheepish.

Jackson smiled and refilled Eli's glass. "Yeah, you can make it up to him later. Why don't you give the brain a rest till the Speaker gets here? I'd also suggest telling Li what happened later, after you're both off duty."

Something in Jackson's tone in telling Eli he could make it up to Chance later had Chance's cheeks coloring lightly. He momentarily hid his reaction by sipping from the glass of wine he held - the wine he'd swiped from Oralia. "No harm done to me, Eli. I thought Oz had scared you."

"Well she does but for entirely different reasons. And please don't tell her I said that?" Eli started to say more but fell silent as he looked towards the door. His mouth dropped open. He poked Jackson and nodded towards the door. Jackson's reaction was similar but he gave a low whistle.

Li had arrived, dressed in a black velvet dress sprinkled with rhinestones. It was strapless and fit like a second skin. Around her neck was an ornate necklace that bore several large rubies. She'd stopped to speak to the security personnel at the door.

Norval had overhead the mention of Eli's ghost, his mind alight for a moment with images of Rhys, some of them not so wholesome despite every reason he had to hate the man. He was about to pass a knowing glance to Jackson, but instead found his jaw on the floor.

It took a moment for him to recover, but when he did he drained his glass. "Damn his Vulcan hide, he is the luckiest man in the galaxy," the Trill said with a smirk, setting down his glass and leaning in to the bar.

"Yeah, imagine....a Vulcan. But that is somethin' that would stir even his blood I bet." Jackson grinned at Norval.

For the Marines on the base it was unusual for them to go anywhere near the Nexus. They had their own bar that was much more suited to their jovial banter. For Patrick after a successful conclusion to the investigation he decided to head to the Nexus before sleeping for a few days. Arriving he spotted Lieutenant Commander Hawke at security and instantly felt under dressed in his flight slacks. Already impressed by the display shown for the speaker he moved in beside her. "Lieutenant a pleasure to meet you."

Li turned, hearing Smith's voice and smiled as she offered her hand. "You are Captain Smith, the pleasure is mine. I was sorry to hear about the recent troubles, but you are right. A night out to relax will help."

"Yea I hope so. Looks like I picked a hell of a night to come," he said as he looked inside. "Going to hazard a guess that it's all hands on deck tonight. I'll keep my eye out for anything. I also hear their head security honcho is a hard nut to crack so to speak. Maybe I'll get chatting."

"Nut is right. We could just leave it at that." Li gave Patrick an amused smile. Our Chief of Security is seated just there," she pointed to the table saved for Oz and Connor, who were up dancing at the moment. "Please introduce yourself, she'll be glad to know you're here." She paused as a stir was heard outside the main doors. "Looks like it's showtime."

Li rested a hand on Patrick's arm, drawing him on in and away form the doors as the Divitian security chief entered, followed by several others of the Speaker's entourage. The Speaker himself came next with Kh'ali. She was dressed in bright turquoise silk, the dress sleeveless and leaving one shoulder bare. The smile she flashed to Li was brief as they moved on past, followed by more of the guard.

Up at the bar, Jackson straightened his tie and addressed Norval, Chance, and Eli.

"You heard the lady, it's showtime."


Lt. Connor McKinney
ACMO/Chief Surgeon

Captain Patrick Smith
SB900 - VI MEF; 3d Marine Exp. Bgde; 3d Fighter Wing

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Grease Monkey
The Nexus Club

Eli Ziyad
Cadet 4th Class & Maitre D'

Li Hawke
Chief Of Intelligence

Norval Tigan
On Jackson's Tab

Oralia Zeferino
Chief, Security

Chance Conradi
Cadet 4th Class and Wine Thief


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